#EcoHealthAlliance president #PeterDaszak and associates have written an op-ed attacking new #NIH policies to improve accountability and integrity of #NIH oversight of overseas research (policies prompted by #EcoHealth's violations of terms of #NIH grants).
Daszak and associates first write that "Objectivity, honesty, openness, accountability..are core values of research integrity" and then proceed to attack steps to promote objectivity, honesty, openness, accountability,
#EcoHealthAlliance #peterdaszak #nih #EcoHealth
Everything is coming out in drips.
First the EcoHealth report (2 years late) is filed in 2021, showing experiments with humanized mice.
The "Wild West" emails were redacted until recently
And only yesterday, we find out that the State department and (Fauci?) knew the whole time
@debasisg remember thst funding of #GoF experiments came from US taxpayers via #Ecohealth ask P Daszak f details
Never forget that scientists told Dr. Fauci at the beginning of the pandemic the virus looked engineered and he then publicly covered up the lab leak theory, and was thanked for it by Peter Daszak from EcoHealth Alliance, the company through which Fauci's NIH funded the Wuhan lab https://twitter.com/greg_price11/status/1629886043733229568
Feds overlooked EcoHealth
Eight million dollars astray
Inadequate oversight
#nih #ecohealth #coronavirus #oversight #haiku #poetry
#Coronavirus #haiku #poetry #nih #EcoHealth #oversight
Our work led by Gina Charnley on #cholera including in the context of #ClimateChange and #Conflict:
1. https://doi.org/10.1080/20477724.2021.1981716
2. https://doi.org/10.1186/s12879-022-07266-w
3. https://doi.org/10.1186/s12879-021-06856-4
4. https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pgph.0000869
5. https://www.doi.org/10.3201/eid2812.212398
#Health #GlobalHealth #PublicHealth #PlanetaryHealth #OneHealth #EcoHealth #ClimateHealth #HealthClimate #Climate #ConflictHealth #HealthConflict
#Cholera #ClimateChange #conflict #health #globalhealth #publichealth #planetaryhealth #onehealth #EcoHealth #climatehealth #healthclimate #climate #conflicthealth #healthconflict
Just published:
"The impact of social and environmental extremes on #cholera time varying reproduction number in #Nigeria".
Led by Gina Charnley.
#Health #GlobalHealth #PublicHealth #PlanetaryHealth #OneHealth #EcoHealth #ClimateHealth #HealthClimate #Climate #ClimateChange #ConflictHealth #HealthConflict #Conflict
#Cholera #nigeria #health #globalhealth #publichealth #planetaryhealth #onehealth #EcoHealth #climatehealth #healthclimate #climate #ClimateChange #conflicthealth #healthconflict #conflict
A big step towards the implementation of an #ecological #health #observatory in the #Camargue!
Last friday we were 60 highly motivated researchers and representatives of the Camargue territory at #tourduvalat
Plenty of ideas to frame the questions of a transformative research at the #health x #environment nexus in this amazing territory 😁👍
We now know we will make it happen!
#ecological #health #observatory #Camargue #tourduvalat #environment #OneHealth #EcoHealth #infectiousdisease #AMR #ecotoxicology #ecoanxiety #transformationalchange
Just published:
"Regenerative economics for planetary health: A scoping review"
#GlobalHealth #PublicHealth #PlanetaryHealth #OneHealth #EcoHealth #Health #Economics #Regenerative #RegenerativeEconomics
#globalhealth #publichealth #planetaryhealth #onehealth #EcoHealth #health #economics #regenerative #regenerativeeconomics
@eric_normandeau Absolutely - There are a couple of concepts that integrate health of humans, animals, and the environment. Same vision, but different focus: #OneHealth, #EcoHealth, and #PlanetaryHealth
#planetaryhealth #EcoHealth #OneHealth
#MarvelComics highjacked #Avengers to push #JABS
💉 #CovidVaccines to kids.
FF to: 00:02:15 —
Just happened to catch it this am, right at the beginning was shocked to hear it, thought of the kids right away.
Also see Atty Thomas #Renz at 2:01:50 — files ond billion dollar suit against #EcoHealth for creation and cover up of #COVID-19 for the deaths of 6,548,093 million people.
V 🌴 Chr Ⓜ️
www.FedCURE.org ✝️⚖️🇺🇲
#marvelcomics #avengers #jabs #covidvaccines #Renz #EcoHealth #covid #CriminalJusticeReform
"Given the strong bipartisan opposition to EcoHealth’s research and the..noted compliance failures by the organization, we request that you end this grant relationship with EcoHealth to protect taxpayer funding and end dangerous experiments that jeopardize public health."
#EcoHealth #nih #gof #GainOfFunction
"Despite repeated requests from NIH for..lab..notebooks and original electronic files from..research conducted at WIV,..records were never provided. Given this history of compliance failure and..lack of transparency, what made NIH..reverse course to award EcoHealth new funding?"
#EcoHealth #nih #gof #GainOfFunction
"For example, Congress passed, and President Biden signed into law, language prohibiting the Department of Defense funding from being used to support EcoHealth grants forwork performed in China in the National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2022 (P.L.117-81)."
#EcoHealth #nih #gof #GainOfFunction
"Due to their failings, dishonesty, reckless disregard for federal laws and U.S. taxpayers, and collaboration with the CCP, Congress has taken bipartisan action to investigate and restrict funding to EcoHealth."
#EcoHealth #nih #gof #GainOfFunction
"It is troubling that when NIH requested information about the taxpayer-funded coronavirusresearch being conducted with the WIV, EcoHealth’s president called the questioning 'inappropriate' and 'heinous.'"
"He also orchestrated an effort to taint the investigation into the origins of COVID-19, calling suggestions that there could have been a lab leak from the Wuhan Institute 'conspiracy theories.'"
#EcoHealth #nih #gof #GainOfFunction
"Between 2015 and 2019, the WIV received approximately $598,500 from..a National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases-funded study on the risk of bat coronavirus emergence."
"It is troubling that when NIH requested information about the taxpayer-funded coronavirusresearch being conducted with the WIV, EcoHealth’s president called the questioning 'inappropriate' and 'heinous.'"
#EcoHealth #nih #gof #GainOfFunction
1) "USAID..provided $1.1 M to.,WIV from..2009 to May 2019..This funding utilized gain-of-function..research to create a hybrid, man-made virus by inserting a spike..from a..coronavirus into a mouse-adapted SARS-CoV backbone, which could infect human airways"
#EcoHealth #nih #gof #GainOfFunction
This must be a joke. Please tell me this is a joke. @nih just gave @EcoHealthNYC and Peter Daszak a NEW grant for bat coronavirus research?
Including supplying “viral sequences and isolates for use in vaccine development”?
Nope. Not a joke.
The joke, apparently, is on us.
See for yourself https://reporter.nih.gov/search/0jAp779zVkaN-DEsKnKa5A/project-details/10522470
#EcoHealth #NIAID #peterdaszak