Ministerie van Landbouw, Natuur & Voedselkwaliteit
en de Universiteit van Wageningen verbeteren de transparantie over de #duurzaamheid van voedingsmiddelen in de winkel. Bedrijven en consumenten moeten de mogelijkheid krijgen de milieu-impact van producten te vergelijken met een #Ecolabel
🆕 #ESMA article tests 3 key #Ecolabel criteria on a large sample of sustainability-oriented equity funds →!kjRmYW
🔹> 1 % of the sample have a portfolio greenness ratio above the 50 % threshold
🔸for 4 different types of exclusions → 📉eligible funds to 0.5 %
🆕 #ESMA article tests 3 key #Ecolabel criteria on a large sample of sustainability-oriented equity funds →!kjRmYW
🔹> 1 % of the sample have a portfolio greenness ratio above the 50 % threshold
🔸for 4 different types of exclusions → 📉eligible funds to 0.5 %
Today #KDE celebrated #Okular receiving #BlueAngel #ecolabel at #Akademy2022 ... with an incredible sugar-free cake!
#KDEco #BlauerEngel #FOSS #BE4FOSS #FEEP #BMUV #GermanEnvAgency #Sustainability #Environment
#environment #sustainability #GermanEnvAgency #BMUV #feep #be4foss #foss #blauerengel #KDEco #Akademy2022 #Ecolabel #blueangel #okular #kde
🌱 Does your business create #ecofriendly products and you want your customers to know that? Check if you qualify to use the EU #Ecolabel and find out how to apply and how much it costs 👉
Auch der Umweltausschuss @EP_Environment hatte sich für strikte Begrenzungen bei Biokraftstoffen + klimaneutralen Luftverkehr 2050 ausgesprochen. ENVI forderte außerdem ein #EcoLabel für #klima|freundliche(re) Flüge. B! 4/
#ECOlabel letos praznuje 30 let.💪
Z njim se lahko pohvali že več kot 89.000 proizvodov iz 24 različnih skupin.
Podeljuje se proizvodom in storitvam, ki v celotnem življenjskem ciklu dosegajo visoke okoljske standarde.
🌱 Does your business create #ecofriendly products and you want your customers to know that? Check if you qualify to use the #Ecolabel, find out how to apply and how much it costs ➡️