RT @drkathyallen@twitter.com
"Ecoliteracy is the ability to understand the organization of natural systems and the processes that maintain the healthy functioning of living systems and sustain life on Earth." This is a great read via @DrDCWahl@twitter.com. https://buff.ly/2kXfmGq #EcoLiteracy #LivingSystems
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/drkathyallen/status/1600864030826151938
I've been finding a lot of good stuff binge reading #FritjoffCapra while trying to make a bi-lingual page about #EcoLiteracy and the #SystemsView of the #WebOfLife with a bit more focus I can probably find on-line English pages that have pretty much the same lines as the sample Japanese preface and afterword.. The search turned up a mention of #TransitionTowns that I just learned of last week her on Mastodon...
#transitiontowns #weboflife #SystemsView #Ecoliteracy #FritjoffCapra
> Paul Cezanne said: "The day is coming when a single carrot, freshly observed, will set off a revolution." So let us all make our food decisions in that spirit: let us observe that carrot afresh, and make our choice.
- https://www.ecoliteracy.org/article/alice-waters-applies-%E2%80%98delicious-revolution%E2%80%99-school-food
#AliceWaters #PaulCezanne #EcoLiteracy #carrot #carrots #食育 #FE #FoodEducation #人参
#人参 #FoodEducation #fe #食育 #carrots #carrot #Ecoliteracy #paulcezanne #AliceWaters
> Wendell Berry has written that eating is an agricultural act. I would also say that eating is a political act, but in the way the ancient Greeks used the word "political" — not just to mean having to do with voting in an election, but to mean "of, or pertaining to, all our interactions with other people" — from the family to the school, to the neighborhood, the nation, and the world.
- https://www.ecoliteracy.org/article/alice-waters-applies-%E2%80%98delicious-revolution%E2%80%99-school-food
#AliceWaters #WendellBerry #Ecoliteracy #PE #体育 #FE #食育 #FoodEducation
#FoodEducation #食育 #fe #体育 #pe #Ecoliteracy #wendellberry #AliceWaters