Living well within planetary boundaries - the case for degrowth: Erik Gomez-Baggethun NMBU, NINA #AlternetSummerSchool #biodiversity #EcologicalEconomics
#EcologicalEconomics #biodiversity #alternetsummerschool
Let's hope this is a turning point for the mainstreaming of #EcologicalEconomics ideas brewing for decades to promote wellbeing within planetary boundaries @EUparliament & beyond! Best of luck to them! @ISEEORG
“Hoarding won’t save us … All flourishing is mutual.“
I just listened to this beautiful piece on the nature of the natural world as a web of gift exchanges. The author reminds us that we, humans, are also part of the natural world; this is an economics we can share, and must if we want to save ourselves.
#RobinWallKimmerer #GiftEconomy #Serviceberry #EcologicalEconomics #PlantTeachers #Indigenous
#indigenous #plantteachers #EcologicalEconomics #serviceberry #gifteconomy #RobinWallKimmerer
Looking also for #HermanDaly fans, included #EcologicalEconomics #steadyStateEconomics #EnvironmentalEconomics
And, in case you do not know? He died in late October. Rest high and well, dear and beloved Herman.
#hermandaly #EcologicalEconomics #steadystateeconomics #environmentaleconomics
I'm looking to connect with more people working on or interested in:
#naturebasedeconomy #feministeconomics #DoughnutEconomics #WellbeingEconomy #EcologicalEconomics #postgrowth #degrowth
Dann mache ich mal ein #neuhier, denn theoretisch ist heute mein freier Tag als Sozialwissenschaftler beim Schweizer Agrarforschungsinstitut #Agroscope. Mit dem #Norden bin ich verbunden, weil ich dort auf Bauernhöfen im Moor und an der #Küste von #Nordfriesland aufgewachsen bin. Habe Landwirtschaft und #EcologicalEconomics studiert und mal #Landmaschinenmechaniker gelernt. Lange im #UK gewesen. Interessiere mich für #Landwirtschaft, Digitales und #ErneuerbareEnergie, #Radfahren und #Brotbacken.
#neuhier #Agroscope #norden #küste #nordfriesland #EcologicalEconomics #Landmaschinenmechaniker #uk #landwirtschaft #erneuerbareenergie #radfahren #brotbacken
> For at least the last 30 years, no country has met the basic needs of its residents at a globally sustainable level of resource use. How does your country compare with others on achieving the goal of a safe and just future for all? How many social goals does it achieve? How many planetary boundaries does it transgress?
#DanONeil #DanielONeill with #EcologicalEconomics for #Sustainability and #Fairness or #Justice:
A #GoodLife for all within #PlanetaryBoundaries
#planetaryboundaries #goodlife #justice #fairness #sustainability #EcologicalEconomics #DanielONeill #DanONeil
> #EcologicalEconomics, anchored in the systems view of life, is intrinsically dynamic and assumes continuous development without increased consumption of natural resources. Instead of using one-dimensional instrumental thinking aiming at increased growth and profits, our energy and efforts should aim at greater complexity, beauty, and harmony. We have organized our economic thinking around a very bad idea: that we should work for money (#Scharmer,2009).
#fritjofcapra #Scharmer #EcologicalEconomics
> When we look at the state of the world today, what is most evident is the fact that the major problems of our time — energy, environment, economy, climate change, social justice — cannot be understood in isolation. They are systemic problems.. they are all interconnected and interdependent, and they require corresponding systemic solutions. As #PopeFrancis puts it in his remarkable encyclical “#LaudatoSì”
#FritjofCapra #OveJakobsen #EcologicalEconomics
#EcologicalEconomics #OveJakobsen #fritjofcapra #LaudatoSì #popefrancis