RT @StefanoMalliaEU: Thanks for the meeting, @eurofound Executive Director @IvailoKalfin
Focus needs to be put on understanding the reasons behind #LabourShortages and especially the role of #EconomicMigration in addressing this acute problem.
Looking forward to further cooperation with Eurofund.
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/employers_EESC/status/1622927035189325824
#labourshortages #EconomicMigration
Together with Commissioner @YlvaJohansson, @BusinessEurope and other experts we discussed how EU #EconomicMigration policies can help respond to labour market and #skills needs.
▶️Find the summary of our event here: https://europa.eu/!hBMDxG
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/employers_EESC/status/1610936078902624257
#EuropeanYearOfSkills #EconomicMigration #skills
RT @employers_EESC: We need a smart, but also strategic way to approach #EconomicMigration, especially with the widespread #skills mismatch and ageing population.
For labour market policies to be successful it should be driven by employers and #SocialPartners.
Antonio Ranieri from @Cedefop
#EconomicMigration #skills #socialpartners
#EconomicMigration might look different in each country.
Most important is to adapt regulation to the specific conditions of each country, taking into account the needs of all involved actors. And regulations need to be easy to use.
Mr Ryło, #UrządPracy #Warszawa
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/employers_EESC/status/1589666589691248641
#EconomicMigration #UrządPracy #Warszawa
We need a smart, but also strategic way to approach #EconomicMigration, especially with the widespread #skills mismatch and ageing population.
For labour market policies to be successful it should be driven by employers and #SocialPartners.
Antonio Ranieri from @Cedefop
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/employers_EESC/status/1589665645913743361
#EconomicMigration #skills #socialpartners
Solutions to overcome #labourshortage in #hospitability sector:
▶️Different forms of work are very important
▶️Promoting image of sector
▶️Enhancing #green and #digital #skills
▶️Legal #EconomicMigration
Marta Machado from @HOTREC_EUROPE
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/employers_EESC/status/1589665237204357120
#labourshortage #hospitability #green #digital #skills #EconomicMigration
RT @BusinessEurope: DG Beyrer on 🇪🇺 #EconomicMigration:
➡️Key to help address labour & skills shortages
➡️Should be combined with policies to increase labour market participation of working age people
➡️Labour market tests should be easy to manage and fair for domestic workforce
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/employers_EESC/status/1589642134012862471
#EconomicMigration #Employers4Reforms
Alberto Marchiori: To make #EconomicMigration a success, we need to really cooperate and we need equal attention to migration from all Member States.
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/employers_EESC/status/1589640702245621760
In order to be 🌍#competitive, ⏫productive and 🚀#innovative, and to be able to contribute to the 👥wellbeing of Europe and its citizens, our companies need workforce with the right skills. #EconomicMigration
@StefanoMalliaEU #Employers4Reforms
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/employers_EESC/status/1589628729462259717
#competitive #innovative #EconomicMigration #Employers4Reforms
RT @BusinessEurope: DG Beyrer on 🇪🇺 #EconomicMigration:
➡️Key to help address labour & skills shortages
➡️Should be combined with policies to increase labour market participation of working age people
➡️Labour market tests should be easy to manage and fair for domestic workforce
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/YlvaJohansson/status/1589639667091378177
#EconomicMigration #Employers4Reforms
▶️ There are many challenges to manage and one is that we are actually loosing the global race for talent.
Commissioner @YlvaJohansson opening the high-level panel on EU #EconomicMigration
#Employers4Reforms #skills #labourmarket
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/employers_EESC/status/1589627099085959168
#EconomicMigration #Employers4Reforms #skills #labourmarket
🌍 EU #EconomicMigration policies: responding to #labourmarket and #skills needs
High-level panel
⭐️ @YlvaJohansson, @EUHomeAffairs
⭐️ @StefanoMalliaEU, @employers_EESC
⭐️Markus BEYRER, @BusinessEurope
⭐️ @LudovicVoet, @etuc_ces
#Employers4Reforms https://nitter.eu/i/broadcasts/1kvKpmwNrywGE
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/employers_EESC/status/1589621001272401920
#EconomicMigration #labourmarket #skills #Employers4Reforms
🤝 Welcome to @YlvaJohansson
We are looking forward to discussing with the Commissioner and other high-level speakers at our seminar:
🌍 EU #EconomicMigration policies: responding to #labourmarket and #skills needs
📺 Webstream here
🔴 Starting at 15:00
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/employers_EESC/status/1589612842122346496
#EconomicMigration #labourmarket #skills #Employers4Reforms
Starting TODAY at 15:00
🌍 Panel: EU #EconomicMigration policy: Supporting a more demand-led approach
⭐️@AnitaVella4, @EUHomeAffairs
⭐️@kmchooper, @MigrationPolicy
⭐️Mr Ranieri, @Cedefop
⭐️Mr Ryło, #UrządPracy #Warszawa
⭐️Ms Machado, @HOTREC_EUROPE
RT @employers_EESC: 🔴Tune in on Monday when we discuss:
🌍 EU #EconomicMigration policies: responding to #labourmarket and #skills needs
with Commissio…
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/employers_EESC/status/1589580541820801025
#EconomicMigration #UrządPracy #Warszawa #Employers4Reforms #labourmarket #skills
🔴TODAY at 15:00
🌍 EU #EconomicMigration policies
Follow the high-level panel with
⭐️ @YlvaJohansson, @EUHomeAffairs
⭐️ @StefanoMalliaEU, @employers_EESC
⭐️Markus BEYRER, @BusinessEurope
⭐️ @VisentiniLuca, @etuc_ces
🔊Live webstream here
RT @employers_EESC: 🔴Tune in on Monday when we discuss:
🌍 EU #EconomicMigration policies: responding to #labourmarket and #skills needs
with Commissioner …
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/employers_EESC/status/1589538215354339328
#EconomicMigration #Employers4Reforms #labourmarket #skills
🔴Tune in on Monday when we discuss:
🌍 EU #EconomicMigration policies: responding to #labourmarket and #skills needs
with Commissioner @YlvaJohansson and other high-level speakers
⏰15:00 - 18:15
🔊Live webstream here
🤝Co-organised with @BusinessEurope
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/employers_EESC/status/1588539689287692288
#EconomicMigration #labourmarket #skills #Employers4Reforms