All true, but not well accepted as truth, alas!


Last updated 1 year ago

Natalia · @NataliaArmyOf1
746 followers · 1792 posts · Server

"Tricle down" is a scam! : the people makes and buys! We make the wheel of economy work! We get pay and become the consumer. If we don't buy, products don't get sold and we get fired... giving money to the rich won't help. They invest or keep it between them to get richer. The truth is "tricle UP"


Last updated 2 years ago

Danny Ching · @danyching
3 followers · 32 posts · Server

- Protectionism

Banning Salmon:
- decreases consumer choices
- increases prices (only "favored" few will be able to reap the profits)
- Doesn't really meaningfully change the lives of our our fishermen

101 - Pandering to the masses
It is a protectionist policy that does extremely little. But bring a LOT of positive publicity to the admin.

#marcos #electioneering #Economics101

Last updated 2 years ago

Danny Ching · @danyching
7 followers · 91 posts · Server

- Protectionism

Banning Salmon:
- decreases consumer choices
- increases prices (only "favored" few will be able to reap the profits)
- Doesn't really meaningfully change the lives of our our fishermen

101 - Pandering to the masses
It is a protectionist policy that does extremely little. But bring a LOT of positive publicity to the admin.

#marcos #electioneering #Economics101

Last updated 2 years ago