I had no idea that #EddieIzzard had a whole bit about #wasps and #bees (and, to some extent, earwigs and spiders). Toward the end, she even compares the honeybee waggle dance to the ant tandem-run/group recruitment (and inadvertently determines that #ants have the superior form of communication). Starts at 0:57 of video below.
#entomology #insects #comedy
#comedy #insects #entomology #ants #bees #wasps #EddieIzzard
‘I’m gonna be Suzy’: Eddie Izzard announces new name | Evening Standard
#transgender #trans #suzy #EddieIzzard
Petition to have a scene set in the Death Star canteen in S2, where someone is shaking water off a tray.
RT @vaspider@twitter.com
Did I just spend 15m making this #EddieIzzard meme? Yes.
Was it a good use of my time? Also yes.