Ulf Brossmann 🐘 · @escript140
28 followers · 122 posts · Server literatur.social

19. Januar 1809: 𝟐𝟏𝟒 Jahren wurde in Boston đŸ‡ș🇾 der US-amerikanischeSchriftsteller geboren, der durch seine Schauerliteratur noch heute weltberĂŒhmt ist :plume:

#heutevor #EdgarAllanPoe #deruntergangdeshausesusher #derdoppelmordinderruemorgue #dasfassamontillado #dasverraterischeherz #derrabe

Last updated 2 years ago

Angela · @seawall
363 followers · 1706 posts · Server mastodon.nz

Along with the usual reno projects planned, I intend to further customise Eulalie, my .

I found her at an a few years ago, as one does. Only today, I Googled the maker named on her base (Theo Klein), and eerily enough her original make/model whatever is the similar named "Coralie". 😂

(I name all my heads after characters. Started randomly with Ligeia in my first year at polytech, then I carried on with Morella, Lenore and Eulalie.)

#dollhead #planter #opshop #mannequin #EdgarAllanPoe

Last updated 2 years ago

molosovsky · @molosovsky
187 followers · 617 posts · Server literatur.social

Meine ★★★œ Besprechung von »The Pale Blue Eye« (2022)

#filmreview #film #krimi #horror #EdgarAllanPoe #literatur

Last updated 2 years ago

Clara · @Clara
32 followers · 260 posts · Server mastodon.sk

It's time for some Sunday

The Raven
Edgar Allan Poe

Once upon a midnight dreary, while I pondered, weak and weary,
Over many a quaint and curious volume of forgotten lore—
While I nodded, nearly napping, suddenly there came a tapping,
As of some one gently rapping, rapping at my chamber door.
“’Tis some visitor,” I muttered, “tapping at my chamber door—
Only this and nothing more.”

#poetry #TheRaven #EdgarAllanPoe #nevermore

Last updated 2 years ago

Der Hörold · @der_hoerold
36 followers · 87 posts · Server literatur.social

@RelevanteLiteraturwissenschaft Scheint mir auch so! Muss denn was Eigenes gepostet werden?

Sonst wĂŒrde ich hier mal auf diverse Interpretationen zu "Der Rabe" von verweisen,

Das ist dahingehend sehr spannend, weil es auch um die „... der Originalversion bezĂŒglich Inhalt und Reim am nĂ€chsten stehende Übersetzung ...“ geht.

Mehr dazu hier: der-hoerold.blogspot.com/2020/


Last updated 2 years ago

neoteotihuacan · @neoteotihuacan
127 followers · 249 posts · Server mastodon.nz

It is my supreme joy to bring you this tale of cinder blocks, murder, and woe. "Garden of the Gods," which has taken home BEST ACTOR, BEST HORROR, and BEST DIRECTOR awards from multiple film festivals, is now free to watch online!

LINK: vimeo.com/screendoorpictures/g

#film #shortfilm #EdgarAllanPoe #horror #diadelosmuertos #movies

Last updated 2 years ago

FrauenLesen · @FrauenLesen
263 followers · 203 posts · Server literatur.social

wurde am 11. 11. 1846 in Brooklyn als Anne Catharine Green geboren. Sie war eine US-amerikanische Schriftstellerin von viktorianischen Kriminalromanen. Sie veröffentlichte ihre ErzĂ€hlungen unter dem Namen als Anna Katharine Green und gilt als die „Mutter der Detektivgeschichten“ und die bedeutendste Vertreterin des Genres zwischen und .

#annakatharinerohlfs #EdgarAllanPoe #sirarthurconandoyle

Last updated 2 years ago


For today there are three poems, all of them already have been posted before.
Today I have my English oral exam and the poems on my literature list are:

Annabel Lee, by .

I Wandered Lonely as a Cloud, by .

The Charge of the Light Brigade, by Lord .

Extra, because it is one of my favourite poems and otherwise not allowed on the literature list:
The Hunting of the Snark, by .

#EdgarAllanPoe #WilliamWordsworth #AlfredTennyson #lewiscarroll #poetry

Last updated 2 years ago


The poem for today is "Sonnet - To Science" by Edgar Allan Poe.

#poetry #EdgarAllanPoe

Last updated 2 years ago


The poem for today is "The Haunted Palace" by Edgar Allan Poe.
Again a poem by Poe because I have English reading exam today.


#poetry #EdgarAllanPoe

Last updated 2 years ago


The poem for today is "To Ulalume" by Edgar Allan Poe. I choose it for today because I have my English writing exam in a few hours. It helps me to read something by Poe beforehand.


#poetry #EdgarAllanPoe

Last updated 2 years ago

Roarning everyone!

The poem for today is "To One in Paradise" by Edgar Allan Poe.


#poetry #EdgarAllanPoe

Last updated 2 years ago


The poem for today is "The Sleeper" by Edgar Allan Poe.
I think he is becoming one of my favourite poets.


#poetry #EdgarAllanPoe

Last updated 3 years ago

Roarning! :dragon_happy:

The poem for today is "Fairy-Land" by Edgar Allan Poe. I quite like the poem. I like the effect the repeated words produce.


#poetry #EdgarAllanPoe

Last updated 3 years ago

Good morning everyone!

Today's poem is "Lenore" by Edgar Allan Poe.

Nox Arcana once made a tune dedicated to this poem.

#poetry #EdgarAllanPoe

Last updated 3 years ago

Good morning everyone,

Today's poem is "A Dream Within a Dream" by Edgar Allan Poe.


Nox Arcana wrote a tune dedicated to this poem.

#poetry #EdgarAllanPoe

Last updated 3 years ago

Goodmorning Everyone!

The poem for today is "The Raven", by Edgar Allan Poe. This is probably the most well-known of his poems.


The band Omnia once put this poem on music, though they left a small part out. But if they would not have done that it would have been even longer, I think that is why they left a small part out.


#poetry #EdgarAllanPoe #TheRaven

Last updated 3 years ago

Good morning everyone!

Today the poem to read is "Edorado" by Edgar Allan Poe.


#poetry #EdgarAllanPoe

Last updated 3 years ago

Good morning, Fedi!
I am going to try to read a poem a day. Will you read with me?

Let's start with Annabel Lee by Edgar Allan Poe!

(Nice to read while listening to this tune by Nox Arcana, which they made in honour of this poem: noxarcana.bandcamp.com/track/a)

#poetry #EdgarAllanPoe

Last updated 3 years ago