Certo che nei bandi di robotica 🤖 l'*edge computing* e l'*AI* li mettono come il cascio sui maccheroni 🍝
Mi chiedo 🤔 se almeno conoscano il significato del termine.
Intanto per cultura generale đź”— [ENG] https://www.unite.ai/what-is-edge-ai/
#robot #edgecomputing #EdgeAI #robotica #robots
Sistemi di sicurezza: le novitĂ e le soluzioni delle aziende by Secsolution
Secsolution, Notizie, Tecnologie, Soluzioni, Approfondimenti, Formazione per i professionisti della security in Italia
#ProtezionePerimetrale #FibraOttica #SistremiMultiTouch #Domotica #ControlloAccessi #GovernanceRiskCompliance #CaviSistemiSicurezza #Antifurto4G #EdgeAI #Rilevatori
#protezioneperimetrale #fibraottica #sistremimultitouch #domotica #controlloaccessi #governanceriskcompliance #cavisistemisicurezza #antifurto4g #EdgeAI #rilevatori
Neue Raspberry Pis mit KI-Chip und Geld von Sony https://www.pocketpc.ch/magazin/news/vermischtes/neue-raspberry-pis-mit-ki-chip-und-geld-von-sony-89197/ #SonySemiconductors #Vermischtes #raspberrypi #Raspberry #AITRIOS #EdgeAI #raspi #sony #AI #KI
#sonysemiconductors #Vermischtes #raspberrypi #raspberry #aitrios #EdgeAI #raspi #sony #ai #ki
Microsoft ha aggiunto il chatbot Bing a Skype
#Bing #chatbot #Microsoft #Skype #IntelligenzaArtificiale #reteneurale #ChatGPT #EdgeAI
#bing #chatbot #microsoft #skype #intelligenzaartificiale #reteneurale #chatgpt #EdgeAI
đź“Ł at IIT-CNR we are #hiring. Know anyone who might be interested?
Topics I am personally involved:
- Efficient FaaS orchestration and scheduling for edge AI
- Network/compute infrastructure management with quantum communications
#serverlesscomputing #faas #distributedsystems #pervasivecomputing #edgeai #quantumcomputing #quantumcommunications #quantumrouting #qkd
#hiring #serverlesscomputing #faas #distributedsystems #pervasivecomputing #EdgeAI #quantumcomputing #quantumcommunications #quantumrouting #qkd
.@arteris_noc and @SiFive are partnering to help speed up #EdgeAI electronic product innovation for consumer electronics and industrial applications. Read more: https://riscv.org/news/2023/02/arteris-and-sifive-partner-to-accelerate-risc-v-soc-design-of-edge-ai-applications/ #RISCVeverywhere
Original tweet : https://twitter.com/risc_v/status/1634012194261049344
RT from L'Embarqué (@lembarquemedia)
Article le plus lu sur le site de L'Embarqué hier: @arteris_noc et @SiFive veulent accélérer la conception de puces-systèmes @risc_v pour applications IA en périphérie de réseau #EdgeAI https://www.lembarque.com/article/arteris-et-sifive-veulent-accelerer-la-conception-de-puces-systemes-risc-v-pour-applications-ia-en-peripherie-de-reseau
Original tweet : https://twitter.com/lembarquemedia/status/1630832224554582016
RT from L'Embarqué (@lembarquemedia)
.@arteris_noc et @SiFive veulent accélérer la conception de puces-systèmes @risc_v pour applications IA en périphérie de réseau #EdgeAI https://www.lembarque.com/article/arteris-et-sifive-veulent-accelerer-la-conception-de-puces-systemes-risc-v-pour-applications-ia-en-peripherie-de-reseau
Original tweet : https://twitter.com/lembarquemedia/status/1630564478457716736
📢 @arteris_noc and @SiFive have announced a partnership to help speed up #EdgeAI electronic product innovation for consumer electronics and industrial applications. Learn more: https://riscv.org/news/2023/02/arteris-and-sifive-partner-to-accelerate-risc-v-soc-design-of-edge-ai-applications/ #RISCVeverywhere
Original tweet : https://twitter.com/risc_v/status/1630336887167565824
Check out my latest note: Calculating the Harris index with Python libraries https://linkedin.com/pulse/calculating-harris-index-python-libraries-gustavo-sanchez #machinelearning #neuralnetworks #edgeai #edgecomputing #tinyml #anomalydetection
#predictivemaintenance #conditionmonitoring
#timeseriesanalysis #signalprocessing #controlsystems
#controlsystems #signalprocessing #timeseriesanalysis #conditionmonitoring #predictivemaintenance #anomalydetection #tinyML #edgecomputing #EdgeAI #neuralnetworks #machinelearning
@vsaw Agreed! I managed to pick up 2x Coral TPUs and a Neural Compute Stick 2 for #EdgeAI.
Another project of mine is using TinyYOLO on a Coral, and another is used by Frigate for object detection on my IP Cameras.
Super interesting stuff, will be exciting when this gets baked into more boards.
@yezzer my bet is that cameras and #EdgeAI are going to be a dominant sensor for #IoT in the future. They are
- Cheap 📉
- Versatile 🤸
- Unobtrusive đź©»
And all that was holding us back was the ability to efficiently extract data from images on the edge!
Example: https://opendata.cam
RT from Seeed Studio (@seeedstudio)
We launched a tiny, #EdgeAI 'Grove - Vision AI Module' (designed with @OMNIVISION_NEWS camera sensor & @AiHimax's tinyML processor), which promises @EdgeImpulse's support. Read this #technical write-up on @Hacksterio for more info: https://lnkd.in/guawJVKe
Original tweet : https://twitter.com/seeedstudio/status/1559128008908226566
RT from MicrochipTech (@MicrochipTech)
Learn about our ultra-low power edge AI enabled by RISC-V based PolarFire® SoC FPGAs. Register to attend this webinar: https://mchp.us/3N5bRbv. #FPGA #PolarFire #SoC #ultralowpower #edgeAI
Original tweet : https://twitter.com/MicrochipTech/status/1541723399864684544
#fpga #polarfire #soc #ultralowpower #EdgeAI
Referenced link: https://www.iotforall.com/edge-ai-trends-2022
Discuss on https://discu.eu/q/https://www.iotforall.com/edge-ai-trends-2022
Originally posted by IoT For All / @iotforall@twitter.com: https://twitter.com/iotforall/status/1537144418452619266#m
Follow along as @Barbara_Iot dives into #EdgeAI: a game-changing technology for the Industrial World. Learn more in this article!
Referenced link: https://www.iotforall.com/edge-ai-trends-2022
Discuss on https://discu.eu/q/https://www.iotforall.com/edge-ai-trends-2022
Originally posted by IoT For All / @iotforall@twitter.com: https://twitter.com/iotforall/status/1529468840664518658#m
In this article, @Barbara_Iot will explain how #EdgeAI has emerged as a game-changing technology for the Industrial World. Learn more! https://www.iotforall.com/edge-ai-trends-2022
Referenced link: https://www.iotforall.com/edge-ai-trends-2022?utm_campaign=coschedule&utm_source=twitter&utm_medium=iotforall&utm_content=Main%20Trends%20in%20Edge%20AI%20to%20Watch%20for%20in%202022
Discuss on https://discu.eu/q/https://www.iotforall.com/edge-ai-trends-2022?utm_campaign=coschedule&utm_source=twitter&utm_medium=iotforall&utm_content=Main%20Trends%20in%20Edge%20AI%20to%20Watch%20for%20in%202022
Originally posted by IoT For All / @iotforall@twitter.com: https://twitter.com/iotforall/status/1526928101996904449#m
Are you curious about #EdgeAI? @Barbara_Iot explains how this idea has emerged as a game-changing technology for the Industrial World in this article. https://www.iotforall.com/edge-ai-trends-2022?utm_campaign=coschedule&utm_source=twitter&utm_medium=iotforall&utm_content=Main%20Trends%20in%20Edge%20AI%20to%20Watch%20for%20in%202022
RT from BrainChip (@BrainChip_inc)
BrainChip, Edge Impulse Announce Partnership to Push Spiking Neural Network Tech Mainstream http://bit.ly/3wqsckI @Hacksterio #AI #edgeAI #neuromorphic #partnership
Original tweet : https://twitter.com/BrainChip_inc/status/1526657166442221568
#ai #EdgeAI #neuromorphic #partnership
The Finnish consortium @sochubfi is hosting a free webinar discussing the creation of the #RISCV “Ballast” SoC, which is designed for IoT and #edgeAI applications. Don’t miss the session on Wednesday, May 18 at Noon EEST (2 a.m. PT): https://hubs.la/Q019_b8s0
Original tweet : https://twitter.com/risc_v/status/1524407732434051075