The whole "" thing is a .

We are told we don't need a with its own all you need is access to their "" – their "".

> "Look its even fast because our are so close to you that you only need to wait 1ms for your data."


Take you goddamned and shove it. Computers exist to us.

We don't exist to feed your flecking with our !

#EdgeNetworking #scam #computer #software #cloud #EdgeNetwork #computers #nourish #ai #data #corporateStateTotalitarianism #rebranding #thecloud

Last updated 3 years ago

FairCloud was created to ease these difficulties and make (...) sites (…) and apps safe. This is done through the use of a powerful that provides content and other services as close to you as possible, so you get the information as fast as possible.

You see, figured out some time ago that the speed of light is a (...) limit on how fast you can communicate; there comes a point when the only thing you can do is move the content and computation closer!


#EdgeNetwork #einstein

Last updated 3 years ago