English Language Week at Pay Fong Middle School, Melaka. Day 2: #StarWarsRPG with younger students. #Malaysia #MYToots #TTRPG #RPGMy #RPGSEA #StarWars #EdgeOfTheEmpire
#starwarsrpg #malaysia #mytoots #ttrpg #rpgmy #RPGSEA #starwars #EdgeoftheEmpire
This week I'll be going south to visit Pay Fong Middle School in #Melaka for their English Language Week.
I have been invited to run RPG sessions and give a talk about role-playing games in education.
On Thursday, with the younger kids I will be running #YearZeroMini. On Friday I've prepped #StarWars #EdgeoftheEmpire for the older kids. The talk will be on Saturday.
I am stoked that I'm able to do this, and terrified that I'd bungle this up somehow.
#melaka #yearzeromini #starwars #EdgeoftheEmpire #ttrpg #tabletoprpg #mytoots #malaysia
Ran session 1 of my #StarWars #ttrpg #EdgeOfTheEmpire campaign last night. 2 players new to the system, 2 who had been in my truncated #AgeOfRebellion campaign. Their first job was to deliver a team of rebels to Onderon for Operation Shadowpoint, which is the campaign I had run.
#starwars #ttrpg #EdgeoftheEmpire #AgeOfRebellion
Screenshot of "Pendekar Bujang Lapok", 1959 (Dir. P. Ramlee) where the characters play #StarWarsRPG #EdgeoftheEmpire
Sorry. I went nuts with GIMP.
BLOG POST 5 YEAR ANNIVERSARY: A #StarWars #EdgeoftheEmpire session I ran for my son who played solo. Several years before the Battle of Yavin, Smuggler Hondo Pash has to extract an Imperial defector from the Igmalar system...
BLOG POST 10 YEAR ANNIVERSARY: #StarWars #EdgeoftheEmpire. 10 years ago in my campaign "Modesty Blazing" the players escapes "The Unsurmountable Ned" after accepting a job aboard a small-time touring starship converted from a freighter. #StarWarsRPG
Here's the writeup of the session, gliding what The Insurmountable Ned is:
#starwars #EdgeoftheEmpire #starwarsrpg
BLOG POST 10 YEAR ANNIVERSARY: #StarWars #EdgeoftheEmpire. 10 years ago in my campaign "Modesty Blazing" the players escapes The Unsurmountable Ned after accepting a job aboard a small-time touring starship converted from a freighter. #StarWarsRPG
Here's what went down:
#starwars #EdgeoftheEmpire #starwarsrpg
@Covok I like this very much. Thanks for sharing. Enjoyed #EdgeoftheEmpire a lot for some time, but somehow, I‘m not a big fan of custom dice when it comes to #ttrpgs
BLOG RERUN: 8 years ago, I ran the last episode of our 10-episode campaign of #StarWarsRPG #EdgeoftheEmpire for my son. I introduced something that was of a novelty 8 years ago: a former ARC trooper who turned out to be a female Jango-type clone!
Link: https://hishgraphics.com/eote-tabletop-day-episode-together-again-for-the-first-time/
BLOG RERUN: Exactly 10 years ago I picked up this quick character art request for a #StarWars #EdgeOfTheEmpire game for his children who were at the time, 12, 9 and 7 years of age.
#starwars #EdgeoftheEmpire #starwarsrpg
BLOG RERUN: Exactly 10 years ago I picked up this quick character art request for a #StarWars #EdgeOfTheEmpire game for his children who were at the time, 12, 9 and 7 years of age.
#starwars #EdgeoftheEmpire #starwarsrpg
BLOG RERUN: Exactly 10 years ago I picked up this quick character art request for a #StarWars #EdgeOfTheEmpire game for his children who were at the time, 12, 9 and 7 years of age.
#starwars #EdgeoftheEmpire #starwarsrpg
10-YEAR ANNIVERSARY BLOG POST: A slugshark with stats.
#Star Wars #StarWarsD6 #StarWarsRPG #EdgeoftheEmpire
#star #starwarsd6 #starwarsrpg #EdgeoftheEmpire
Mitten im intensivsten #pnpde-Wochenende seit ewigen Zeiten.
Teil 1 gestern war schonmal ein grandioser Auftakt: #starwars #edgeoftheempire - aufwendig vorbereitet und großartig geleitet von @taarion mit tollen Mitspielenden (u.a. @Zorriss und @dnddeutsch )
Mein überhaupt erstes Mal mit Cam 🎥 .
Heute weiter mit der ersten Tischrunde seit über einem Jahr (und der ersten mit Potential für eine dauerhafte Runde seit Covid)
Morgen dann noch der Abschluß der Trophy-Runde auf dem #questcast-Discord
#pnpde #starwars #EdgeoftheEmpire #Questcast
#StarWars #EdgeOfTheEmpire Starter Set was one of many solid boxed sets for the #FantasyFlights #TTRPG providing a rules overview, adventure, map, pregen character sheets and — most importantly — dice.
It was an interesting take on Star Wars, with a focus on the scum and villainy, that allowed for high-action low life adventures. This is the version of the system that you would probably use to run #Andor.
The fancy narrative-focused dice are a Marmite element, but I appreciated the innovation.
#starwars #EdgeoftheEmpire #fantasyflights #ttrpg #andor
BLOG ARCHIVE: Nothing much on my mind today except for a whole truckload of dayjob workstuff, so here's that time 9 years ago when I received the #EdgeOfTheEmpire #StarWarsRPG core rulebook. #TTRPG
#EdgeoftheEmpire #starwarsrpg #ttrpg
Yes. Our #AgeOfRebellion campaign is currently on hiatus, but a couple players of the group are currently playing a #Mandalorean #EdgeOfTheEmpire campaign online via discord.
The whole thing has an #Andor struggling against oppression by the Empire vibe to it. Also, we’re getting our butt kicked. #Pewpewpew
#AgeOfRebellion #mandalorean #EdgeoftheEmpire #Andor #pewpewpew
Preorder: Asmodee und #EdgeStudio drucken weitere englische Core Rule Books und Supplements von den drei Star Wars Linien #AgeofRebellion, #EdgeOfTheEmpire und #ForceAndDestiny nach. Yay. Sammlung auffüllen.
#edgestudio #AgeOfRebellion #EdgeoftheEmpire #forceanddestiny
Artwork of my son's Edge of the Empire player character Hondo Pash the smuggler! He hasn't played Hondo for some years now. I should run a short session for him when I have some free time. This scene was from "Long Art of the Hutt", the ambush on Ryloth.
#starwars #starwarsrpg #EdgeoftheEmpire #ttrpg #starwarsart
Maybe #EdgeoftheEmpire or #AgeOfRebellion plots can be shoehorned into this game.
#EdgeoftheEmpire #AgeOfRebellion