Miranda · @vlindervriendje
287 followers · 240 posts · Server mstdn.social
Miranda · @vlindervriendje
287 followers · 241 posts · Server mstdn.social
Ragna · @RagnaJa
351 followers · 3234 posts · Server mstdn.social
Ragna · @RagnaJa
351 followers · 3234 posts · Server mstdn.social

En de vlier šŸ˜
Edit: ja het is een vlier, ook al zijn de blaadjes die je op t fotootje ziet van een hazelaar :)

#EdibleGardening #florespondence #Gardening #tuin

Last updated 1 year ago

Ragna · @RagnaJa
351 followers · 3234 posts · Server mstdn.social

En kijk die kardoen toch weer eens gaan! šŸ˜šŸ˜šŸ˜

#tuin #nodiggardening #foodforest #EdibleGardening

Last updated 1 year ago

PhoenixSerenity · @msquebanh
1512 followers · 17234 posts · Server mastodon.sdf.org
Dining and Cooking · @diningandcooking
90 followers · 3462 posts · Server mstdn.social
· @Userd503
0 followers · 16 posts · Server mastodon.social

peopleā€¦ any tips on pruning mulberry bush that is quickly becoming a tree. Mid Atlantic USA

#gardening #garden #EdibleGardening

Last updated 2 years ago

Alex is catching up on sleep · @alexbayleaf
249 followers · 1249 posts · Server aus.social

Here, have a to my former, much lamented garden that I lost after 7 years of tending it, due to the . The whole thing was done on the cheap with lots of found materials and recycled bits and bobs.

#throwbackthursday #housingcrisis #gardening #gardeningau #vegetablegardening #veggiegardening #EdibleGardening #permaculture #ballarat

Last updated 2 years ago

Alex is catching up on sleep · @alexbayleaf
248 followers · 1226 posts · Server aus.social

First tomato! January 19th, almost a month later than the earliest Iā€™ve had something from this variety, ā€œGold Nugget.ā€ I got the seeds from Southern Harvest in Tasmania, who are great at recommending varieties that do well in cooler climates. Iā€™ve had Gold Nugget before Christmas in the past, but the slow rainy spring and early summer really delayed things. Ah well. Thereā€™ll surely be more along soon.

#gardening #gardeningau #veggiegardening #vegetablegardening #growyourown #EdibleGardening #permaculture #obtainayield #zone1

Last updated 2 years ago

Alex is catching up on sleep · @alexbayleaf
245 followers · 1208 posts · Server aus.social

@kattekrab looks like a fuchsia. The berries are edible, but not all varieties are particularly tasty.

#gardening #gardeningau #edibleplants #EdibleGardening #permaculture

Last updated 2 years ago

Alex is catching up on sleep · @alexbayleaf
234 followers · 1120 posts · Server aus.social

Anyway, Iā€™m going to leave the other spuds there for now, and attempt to give them a bit more water. Fingers crossed.

But if you were wondering why is looking so scant lately, this is why.

#minimumchips #gardeningau #gardening #veggiegardening #EdibleGardening #growyourown #permaculture #zone1 #obtainayield #LaNina #vicfloods #climatechange #foodsecurity #foodshortages

Last updated 2 years ago

Alex is catching up on sleep · @alexbayleaf
234 followers · 1119 posts · Server aus.social

So, what did I get from 5 months of garden-bed space? These three spuds, which Iā€™d estimate at a bit over half a kilo.

Iā€™m not sure what they needed but didnā€™t get. Warmth earlier in the season would have helped, Iā€™m sure. They werenā€™t bogged down by the rains as they were in a raised bed and hilled up besides, and the soil isnā€™t clay-y. In digging up the bed it was clear that the last few weeks have dried the soil out a lot, even though Iā€™ve been watering. I guess it all runs off or evaporated from the hilling-up. Still, it should have been ok.

I didnā€™t amend the soil particularly, other than doing my hilling up with sifted soil from the next bed over, where prunings and other garden waste have been rotting down for years; it had more organic matter than the bed I started with, but wasnā€™t what Iā€™d call incredibly rich compost. Nor did I do a pH test, though the weeds growing there (chickweed, fumitory, wild radish, black nightshade, cleavers, the odd dandelion) suggest itā€™s pretty neutral veggie garden soil. Itā€™s not like spuds are usually super fussy, in my experience.

#gardeningau #gardening #veggiegardening #EdibleGardening #growyourown #permaculture #zone1 #obtainayield #LaNina #vicfloods #climatechange #foodsecurity #foodshortages

Last updated 2 years ago

Alex is catching up on sleep · @alexbayleaf
233 followers · 1118 posts · Server aus.social

So you know how thereā€™s a potato shortage across Victoria at present? I present: my first potato harvest.

I planted Dutch Cream seed potatoes back in August, in ditches in one of my veggie beds, then hilled them up with extra soil through spring, to a total depth of about 40cm. Just this last week or so theyā€™ve been starting to yellow and die back, so I figured thereā€™d be some to harvest.

I started by bandicooting around under the plants, but in the end I pulled a couple of them up and dug down properly. Hereā€™s the space where they were, about 50x60cm.

#gardeningau #gardening #EdibleGardening #growyourown #permaculture #zone1 #obtainayield #LaNina #vicfloods #climatechange #foodsecurity #foodshortages

Last updated 2 years ago

controlfreak · @controlfreak
394 followers · 714 posts · Server hackers.town

It is thursday my dudes. Here is some purple pak choi just rockin the heck out in the autumn/winter garden

Garden hard!

#EdibleGardening #opensourceseeds #Farmageddon #fedifarm

Last updated 3 years ago