"In her fiction, Wharton would have been able to flesh out her protagonist and add more psychological depth. She could have flashed back to Kate’s friendship with Agnes and her subsequent relationship with John. In the play, the latter seems like such a basic chap that you have to wonder what Kate saw in him at all."
Lost Edith Wharton Play Staged
https://www.thestar.com/entertainment/stage/edith-wharton-s-lost-play-the-shadow-of-a-doubt-brings-the-novelist-s-attempt/article_a2ae63d9-12f6-5833-99bd-d63e8dd98b1b.html "Toronto Star"
Pic: DebraYeo/David Cooper
#EdithWharton #ShawFestival #ShadowOfADoubt #Theater #LegitimateTheater #Toronto
#EdithWharton #shawfestival #shadowofadoubt #theater #legitimatetheater #toronto
“Some houses are companions in themselves: the walls, the bookshelves, the very chairs and tables, have the qualities of a sympathetic mind; but Mrs Vance’s interior was as impersonal as the setting of a classic drama.”
Edith Wharton, “A Coward” (1899)
#EdithWharton #amliterature
Today's poem:
- by Edith Wharton
#cathedral #visit #arcitecture #light #faith #piety #animation #cold #experience #chartres #poetry #EdithWharton
#cathedral #visit #arcitecture #light #faith #piety #animation #cold #experience #chartres #poetry #EdithWharton
“There are two ways of spreading light: to be the candle or the mirror that reflects it.”
― Edith Wharton https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Edith_Wharton
#bot #quote #FamousQuotes #EdithWharton
TIL #EdithWharton wrote about her travels in #Morocco. I'm headed there myself soon!
"In Morocco"
There are 2 ways of spreading light ;
To be the candle or the mirror that reflects it
Edith e la "ricerca" della felicità...anche per vincere il Pulitzer
“Ci sono un sacco di modi per sentirti depressi ma c'è solo un modo per essere a proprio agio ed è smettere di correre in cerca della felicità."
Oggi nel 1862 nasceva la scrittrice e poetessa #EdithWharton, prima donna a vincere il premio #Pulitzer.
Libro consigliato: La casa della gioia (1905)
# #felicità
#EdithWharton #pulitzer #24gennaio #letture #letteraturamericana #scrittrici #felicita #ricerca #consiglidilettura #autoridascoprire #libridaleggere
I thought of the #British #RoyalFamily remembering a line from #EdithWharton's novel #AgeOfInnocence set in 1870's upper-crust& aristocracy-simulating New York society: "In reality they all lived in a kind of hieroglyphic world, where the real thing was never said or done or even thought but only represented by a set of arbitrary signs". These days #Democracy #Equality #FreeSpeech mean folks don't cow-tow to #Heirs& #Graces.They stand up to bullying, controlling, gaslighting w/own truth. #Spare
#british #royalfamily #EdithWharton #ageofinnocence #democracy #equality #freespeech #heirs #graces #spare
People seem to have have discovered The Custom of the Country in the last few years, but why isn’t everyone talking about The Reef? Some of the scenes of powerplay are so tense that they might as well be noir. #EdithWharton
Whoa ... This new edition of Wharton's 'The Custom of the Country' is stunning!
I'm working on a third list of hashtags that reflect my interests and preoccupations. These are listed, as usual, in no particular order:
#chagsameach #nonprofittechnology #blacklivesmatter #translivesmatter #SocialJustice #sarahcaudwell #barbarakingsolver #EdithWharton #jewishmeditation #ptsd #complextrauma #collaboration #communitybuilding #philanthropy #decolonizingwealth #evidencebasedpractice
Watching House of Mirth with Gillian Anderson and Eric Stoltz, et al. Based on an Edith Wharton novel of the same name. Wharton made her female protagonists sympathetic through their tragic circumstances and choices. Though they may not be rendered destitute, they may feel forced to trade love in for security, and acceptability.
#AmStreaming #Movies #Film #PeriodFilm #Novel #Victorian #EdithWharton
#EdithWharton #victorian #novel #periodfilm #film #movies #amstreaming
#EdithWharton letters in the Scribner archive: enjoying the utter snobbery of someone turning down The Decoration of Houses as "utter trash" because Mrs. Wharton only has "a house off the High Street in Kensington." Kensington! How dare she?
#nowreading Edith Wharton’s The House of Mirth (1905). #physicalbooks #edithwharton #thehouseofmirth #leavemealoneimreading
#leavemealoneimreading #thehouseofmirth #EdithWharton #physicalbooks #nowreading
If I ever have a book agent, I want that person to be as doggedly relentless as #EdithWharton was in promoting Howard Sturgis's Belchamber. She *would not quit,* even after Scribner's turned down the book. Paraphrased: "They love it in Boston, but no, you wouldn't listen to me & now it's too late," she tells a patient Charles Scribner, whose consistent message is "really what we want is more of YOUR books, Mrs. W."
NYJ, born the year Bill Haley hit the charts, less certain every day. #Borges #RayDavies #IanDury #Sicily #RichardStark #GoreVidal #Pezband #DenisJohnson #dimsum #poicephalusparrot #GuillermoDelToro #Seinfeld #TheGoodPlace #TheLongShips #TheInLaws #MelBrooks #JonathonLethem #JohnCheever #SarahSilverman #Bedwetter #AdamSchlesinger #JulianCope #CalvinTrillin #KurtVonnegut #TerrySouthern #THWhite #EdithWharton #BrianKVaughn #JerryRagavoy #DocPomus #JerryWexler #DonMattingly #Jellyfish #BradJones
#BradJones #jellyfish #DonMattingly #JerryWexler #DocPomus #JerryRagavoy #BrianKVaughn #EdithWharton #thwhite #TerrySouthern #KurtVonnegut #CalvinTrillin #JulianCope #AdamSchlesinger #Bedwetter #sarahsilverman #johncheever #JonathonLethem #melbrooks #TheInLaws #TheLongShips #thegoodplace #seinfeld #guillermodeltoro #poicephalusparrot #dimsum #DenisJohnson #Pezband #gorevidal #RichardStark #sicily #IanDury #RayDavies #borges
I get unnecessarily anxious about those posts that ask you to post 5 - 7 things/authors you're interested in... What if I change my mind? There are authors I've loved for a long time but haven't read for ages and those I'm just discovering and not sure I can talk about them with authority but here goes! Novelists first:
#tonimorrison #EdithWharton #JaneAusten #JohnleCarré #georgetteheyer #charlesdickens
#introduction INCOMING
Hi, I’m Sheila.
I’m an #EdithWharton impersonator (aka English professor), paid funeral attendee (aka #bagpiper), all-purpose nuisance (aka #accordion player) and general layabout (aka #writer) interested in a whole mess of things including #C19Studies #americanlit #bookhistory #cnf #mediatheory etc etc etc
Really bad at this social media stuff and getting worse every day. Pleased to meet you.
#introduction #EdithWharton #bagpiper #accordion #writer #C19Studies #americanlit #bookhistory #cnf #mediatheory
Allow me to be the first to infect this place with an #EdithWharton hashtag