This post will be about some of my favorite videos by one of my favorite Youtube essayists: Andrewism, a Caribbean Black Youtuber. I wanted to focus on Andrew's work as it's full of fantastic videos that dig into alternate ideas and movements that combat capitalist imperalist colonialist patriarchy. I consider it a good place to start, but definitely don't leave your exploration only at Andrew's videos! Dig deeper for sure.
Here's some suggestions to get one started:
#Solarpunk (Alt text for video and link: The link goes to a youtube video by Andrewism and discusses Solarpunk. The screengrab of the video shows the word Solarpunk in bright yellow where the 'o' is a sun. There is plants around the edges of the frame.)
I love this introduction video to solarpunk because it digs into the wonders of what it explores as well as some challenges inherent within the solarpunk ideology and genre. There is a rich philosophy and community building built into solarpunk that is touched upon in this video and in Andrew's follow-up videos, which can be found on Andrew's youtube channel).
#LandBack (alt text: Link goes to a youtube video by Andrewism that discusses LandBack and Indigenous Liberation. The screengrab for the video has an Indigenous woman in her traditional clothing and face paint looking at the camera. To the left of her is a pale beige and white globe.)
I've seen a lot of people misunderstand the LandBack movement and what exactly it means, and Andrew digs into it and breaks it down quite well. It's made clear that this is only an introduction to a rich liberation movement too. The biggest misconception is the idea that LandBack means owning the land -- this projects capitalist ideology onto a complex, community-oriented movement, where the Land is seen as a relation not something to be owned. I like how Andrewism tears apart these misconceptions.
#Psychology of Collapse (Alt text: Link goes to a youtube video by Andrewism that discusses the psychology that conditions people into apathy or despair about ecological and/or societal collapse. The screengrab of the video is from an animated Television show, where the young boy stands with his hands against his head and his eyes bulge outward. He is screaming while juxtaposed on flames).
I found the Psychology of Collapse video by accident, which introduced me to the breadth of this channel's analyses. It also really made me stop and think about how our society tries to condition us into thinking that the only way to deal with climate change is to "continue as normal" and do nothing. But that is a falsehood pushed on us by the billionaires and oilgarchs. There is a lot we can do and push for to combat climate change, but to do that we must dig into what is being conditioned into us. This video does just that.
A Quick Guide to #PermaBlitz (Alt text: Link goes to a youtube video by Andrewism that discusses praxis concerning permablitz, a strategy to hack the environment with balls of seeds packed with nutrients to help them grow whereever they are thrown. The screengrab has a border of leaves and the center image shows tilled dirt, part of the handle of a tool, and a brown boot):
I wanted to include this video to show some of the Praxis videos out there to help combat capitalism, climate change, and urban decay and food deserts. The details on how to create a Blitz seed is immensely helpful, and there's solid ideas on how to implement it well. This led me down a research hole, where I looked up more ideas in other channels that discussed this further.
We Need a #Library Economy (Alt Text: link goes to a youtube video by Andrewism that discusses what a Library Economy is and how we may build one. It is more than just books. The screengrab shows a library full of shelved books with the name of the video in yellow on the left. Juxtasposed over the right side is white silhouettes of various items).
This is another praxis video that has a lovely roleplay near the middle-end that discusses what living in a library economy could look like. I personally love libraries, so having a library of things would help make more tech devices, cooking items, transportation items, tools, etc more accessible to the wider community. The more accessible a community is, the more equitable it is for all people. This video helps us envision such a future and has practical ideas on ways to push for it in present day.
In fact, in my current city, activists have pushed hard for a library of things within the city library system, and that was instituted recently! We can now check out tools, ice cream makers, cooking pots, and other random items and devices that are expensive to source. Let's hope that it works out and continues to thrive!
Should we #Degrow? (Alt text: link goes to Andrewism's youtube video concerning #degrowth, what it is, how it may help, and what growth is and how it harms currently. The screengrab shows Black people walking around or sitting in a garden of pathways with the title of the video over the image.)
This video tackles the myth of growth. Capitalism requires growth, but growth is what is making our planet inhabitable for humanity and other species. We cannot survive if we allow "unlimited growth" to continue. This video discusses how capitalism has conditioned us to view growth as the only metric to measure efficiency and production and "healthy economies." How there cannot be "healthy economies" under capitalism's endless growth models. The video deconstructs this and explains what degrowth is and how it can aid us in creating a more just, equitable, and sustainable world, where we and nature can heal and exist in community together.
What is #PanAfricanism? (Alt text: Link to Andrewism's video about PanAfricanism, which covers its history, many of its major thinkers, and what it has evolved into today and may evolve into in the future. The screengrab is a black background with a Black woman with large hoop earrings looking to the right. Faint zigzags are on the top and bottom frames. The title is in bold yellow with red line on top and green on bottom.)
Much of the history, struggles against colonization and racism, and culture of Pan-Africanism is rarely discussed, especially in the propogandist history courses in my home country of USA. This video discusses this idea of all Africans having connection, shared history, and shared culture across the world -- how there is a lot of divergent ideas and discussions within this wide-ranging movements. The history and discussion of the many (often divergent) views of writers within this expansive ideology is crucial. Gives a lot of folks to look into further to read more.
There's dozens of others I could highlight -- truly go watch Andrew's channel, but I am low on energy now, so I wanted to jumpstart discussion on videos that help us envision a more accessible, equitable, sustainable, just, communal, and consensual future along with praxis to help us create it in our present.
Please share your favorite videos! I would love to watch them.
Note: I will make a separate post to discuss books. (I have a mini library to be honest - one is digital books and the other print - since I kept getting gifted them or got bundles for cheap. So I have lots of thoughts on books, but that's for another post). :)
Thank you for reading my long ramble! Stay safe and keep on community building! #CommunityCare #Learning #EducatingOurCommunities #AntiCapitalist #Anarchism #MutualAid
#solarpunk #landback #psychology #permablitz #library #degrow #degrowth #panafricanism #communitycare #learning #EducatingOurCommunities #anticapitalist #anarchism #MutualAid