Jezebel: Sex. Celebrity. Politics. With Teeth: Wesleyan Ends Legacy Admissions in Response to Supreme Court Killing Affirmative Action #Jezebel #affirmativeactionintheunitedstates #raceandeducationintheunitedstates #studentsforfairadmissionsvharvard #discriminationintheunitedstates #universityandcollegeadmissions #ivanespinozamadrigal #wesleyanuniversity #affirmativeaction #legacypreferences #educationpolicy
#jezebel #affirmativeactionintheunitedstates #raceandeducationintheunitedstates #studentsforfairadmissionsvharvard #discriminationintheunitedstates #universityandcollegeadmissions #ivanespinozamadrigal #wesleyanuniversity #affirmativeaction #legacypreferences #Educationpolicy
RT @EuropeanEducat3
From our latest Special Issue: 'Theorizing the affective regime of “best practice” in education policy' by Michalinos Zembylas.
Access the article here:
@ECER_EERA @SotiriaGrek @PaoloLandri
#educationresearch #educationpolicy
#educationresearch #Educationpolicy
A good #educationpolicy update from Dr. Christine Pitts.
#educationleadership #k12 #education
#Education #k12 #educationleadership #Educationpolicy
#Edutopia published their 10 Most Significant #Education Studies of 2022. On the list is a study that found inclusive general ed #classrooms lead to better #achievement outcomes for #SpEd students. Without taking away from the needs of students served by #IDEA, I can't help but wonder how the #GenEd teachers did it. /1
Detailed review of the study (if you can't get past the paywall):
#edutooter #Educationpolicy #gened #idea #sped #achievement #classrooms #Education #edutopia
What we can learn from a half-century of federal special education reform (part 3)
In part 1 and part 2 of this series, I described the five factors that shaped the past half-century of education reform focused on the rights and needs of individuals with disabilities: politics, deliberately designed policies and practices, history, emergent patterns of practices, and policy feedback. These factors can help explain some
#Educationpolicy #History
What we can learn from a half-century of federal special education reform (part 2)
In part 1, I looked back at 50 years of education reform focused on students with disabilities and explained two of the five factors that shaped the last half-century of this history: political efforts to secure the educational rights of individuals with disabilities; and efforts to plan or design either education policy or educational te
#Educationpolicy #History
What we can learn from a half-century of federal special education reform (part 1)
Two major historical anniversaries in American education passed by this summer without significant public comment: consent decrees that ended two federal lawsuits in May and August 1972, lawsuits intended to open up educational access for children with disabilities in Pennsylvania and Washington, DC. Before these lawsuits, it had been reg
#Educationpolicy #History
Hello world!
My name is Stella, I use all pronouns, and I’m a Master of Public Policy student at #USC interested in #socialjustice, especially #educationpolicy and #environmentpolicy. After #gradschool, I want to go to #lawschool and work in legislation/policy writing. I love #music, #naturephotography, #crochet, #ttrpgs (mainly #DnD), painting minifigures, #videogames (esp. from indie devs), and #vultureculture.
#vultureculture #videogames #DND #ttrpgs #crochet #naturephotography #Music #lawschool #gradschool #environmentpolicy #Educationpolicy #socialjustice #usc #Introductions