· @MarcelGomes
238 followers · 1973 posts · Server mstdn.io
Annhattan · @annhattan
137 followers · 806 posts · Server mstdn.social

'We must shift from a needs to a desires . People must be trained to desire, want new things, even before the old are consumed. We must shape a new mentality where desires overshadow needs.'
/father of & 's nephew

#ClimateCrisis #metacrisis #anthropocene #Capitalism #evil #exploitation #SigmundFreud #pr #EdwardBernays #Culture #america

Last updated 1 year ago

Boud · @boud
255 followers · 1516 posts · Server framapiaf.org

@samboy @mmasnick

Most people in this thread seem to have continued using the euphemism "advertising" instead of the word "propaganda" [1]. , the "father of public relations" [2], would be proud of his success!

de-euphemised: "Interesting explanation from a decently large Twitter propagandist on why they've paused their propaganda budget on Twitter after keeping it running for the past couple of weeks."

[1] en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Propagan

[2] en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Edward_B


Last updated 2 years ago

MusiqueNow :newpride: · @MusiqueNow
356 followers · 11192 posts · Server todon.eu
Julien M. · @julm
485 followers · 4935 posts · Server framapiaf.org

> , publicitaire de lui-mĂŞme
> le publicitaire a suscité l’essor d’un : celui d’un propagandiste d’entreprise tout-puissant, capable d’induire des changements de société et de retourner l’ au moyen de la .
> […] Mais l’ des n’a eu besoin ni de , ni de , ni d’aucune personnalité particulière pour éclore. Elle a commencé à se structurer dès le milieu du XIXe

#lee #bernays #relationspubliques #industrie #publicité #opinion #mythe #américain #EdwardBernays #histoire

Last updated 4 years ago

For years featured accompanied by a on the frontpage.

Then 's nephew, noticed this.

Now we have featuring a with a headline.


#newspapers #news #headline #SigmundFreud #EdwardBernays #tabloids #photograph

Last updated 4 years ago

Indeed. We need not look far back in history either. During the 1960's there was a lack of trust in govt and institutions. So the built little brands that spoke to .

They engineered consent, -style.

Also look at the recent election in the . Since and 's (2016) win social mefia and Google have worked overtime to... (1/2)

#corporateGiants #resistence #EdwardBernays #uk #ukip #trump

Last updated 5 years ago

The is an aggressive country that's via . That's the only way its continuing to have any .

That and -style and .

There's a reason they don't allow Hollywood on the ;)

Have you seen the . The Century of the Self (2002). It could be the last decent thing produced by the .

#us #ThirdWorld #virtueSignalling #hollywood #cultural #dominance #EdwardBernays #indoctrination #fakenews #narratives #stockmarket #documentary #bbc

Last updated 5 years ago

So sad.

and over the past few decades has led to a complete breakdown in people's sense of community.

Its part of the reason we advocate .

A good documentary on the that and is The Century Of the Self (2002). It could be the last good thing the BBC produced.

After watching it you'll never see and the same way again - everyone needs to see it.

#cronycapitalism #corporatism #getLocal #consumer #EdwardBernays #advertising #news

Last updated 5 years ago