@bsmall2 If you are interested in Edward Tufte's work, please have a look at @LabPlot, an open-source and cross-platform application for curve fitting, data visualization and analysis.
You can get Tufte's "Maximal data, minimal ink" theme for various plots in a single click with @LabPlot.
#EdwardTufte #ChartJunk #Data-Ink-Ratio #DataViz #InfoViz #LabPlot
#labplot #infoviz #dataviz #Data #chartjunk #EdwardTufte
@taosecurity If you are interested in Edward Tufte's work, please have a look at @LabPlot, an open-source and cross-platform application for curve fitting, data visualization and analysis.
You can get Tufte's "Maximal data, minimal ink" theme for various plots in a single click with @LabPlot.
#EdwardTufte #ChartJunk #Data-Ink-Ratio #DataViz #InfoViz #LabPlot
#labplot #infoviz #dataviz #Data #chartjunk #EdwardTufte
Graphical excellence is that which gives to the viewer the greatest number of ideas in the shortest time with the least ink in the smallest space.
-- Edward Tufte (The Visual Display of Quantitative Information)
⬆ #Quotes #EdwardTufte #Communication #InformationDesign
⬇ #Photography #Panorama #TheMaze #Dollhouse #Canyonlands #Utah
#quotes #EdwardTufte #communication #informationdesign #photography #panorama #themaze #dollhouse #canyonlands #utah
Always assume the best about your audience.
-- Edward Tufte (Presenting Data and Information Short Course)
#quotes #EdwardTufte #communication #presentations #photography #panorama #lavaflow #galapagos #geology
The most favorable data always comes from initial studies, done by enthusiasts with looser controls. But evidence decays over time!
-- Edward Tufte (Presenting Data and Information Short Course)
#quotes #EdwardTufte #communication #evidence #research #photography #panorama #greatsanddunes #colorado
Slideware may help speakers outline their talks, but convenience for the speaker can be punishing to both content and audience.
-- Edward Tufte (Cognitive Style of PowerPoint)
⬆ #Quotes #EdwardTufte #Computers #Education #Powerpoint
⬇ #Photography #Panorama #LakePowell #SlickRock #Canyon #Utah
#quotes #EdwardTufte #computers #education #powerpoint #photography #panorama #lakepowell #slickrock #canyon #utah
I applaud the FBI for publishing the number of organizations reporting ransomware events in 2022.
However, I'd prefer the use of a table over any pie or bar chart.
It seems at least two generations of report writers have been brainwashed into thinking that pie and bar charts are somehow useful ways to present information.
Bar charts with numbers for each line at least remove the need for readers to "reverse engineer" values from bar lengths. However, such bar charts end up just being cluttered tables.
On the left is the original table (oddly proceeding from least to most events).
On the right is my reformatting of the data, with a column added for percentage of reports and a total count at the bottom. The headers are probably irrelevant as the values are self-explanatory.
#EdwardTufte #visualdisplayofquantitativeinformation
I just saw #thedfirreport published their year in review. I sent them this request:
“Hi team, I love your reporting. I point all my colleagues towards it. I’m looking forward to your new report. However, could you please replace the pie and bar charts with simple text tables? The pie and bar charts are cumbersome and require readers to reverse engineer the graphic to get the numbers.
Thank you.
In other words, graphics like this need to be tables, as #EdwardTufte teaches.
Is there an #EdwardTufte #EnvisioningInformation for the #MegaConstellations of billionaire-controlled corporations? The dots representing #SpaceDebris are not to the scale of earth, the in 1990 there was concern for these 7,000 objects that were > or = to 10cm in diameter. To add representations for thousands of #StarLink satellites scaled to the "explosion fragments" and "fozen sewage" from the 80s, I guess we'll need translucent colors to still be able to see the earth's lines under junk.
#starlink #spacedebris #megaconstellations #EnvisioningInformation #EdwardTufte
Mastodon posts made me aware of how satellite wi-fi ( #Starlink ) will drastically increase the amount of #SpaceJunk orbiting the earth. I found #EdwardTufte's visualization of #SpaceDebris in #EnvisioningInformation pages 48 and 49. How did they get nuclear reactors up there? What if there was an explosion on the way up, like the shuttle with those seven astronauts during the Reagan years?
#EnvisioningInformation #spacedebris #EdwardTufte #spacejunk #starlink
#10yrsago More plagiarism from Glee https://twitter.com/djearworm/status/172367818942185473
#10yrsago Podcast of my memorial for #AaronSw, and the afterword he wrote for Homeland https://craphound.com/news/2013/01/21/rip-aaron-swartz/
#10yrago #EdwardTufte on #AaronSwartz and his own hacking career https://danwin.com/2013/01/edward-tufte-aaron-swartz-marvelously-different/
#10yrsago #aaronsw #10yrago #EdwardTufte #aaronswartz
Thinking that the best way of politely criticising my work colleagues' (truly awful) presentations is to use #EdwardTufte.
#awfulpresentations #powerpoint #EdwardTufte
I think #Chomsky, #NoamChomsky said that the country to compare #Cuba with is not the #USA but #Guatemala or maybe #Brazil... If this semester's classes get going right I'll have to take a look at the data. This sort of data and thinking seems worth some time thinking about how to apply insights from _Beautiful Evidence_'s #EdwardTufte and R ggplot2's #HadleyWickham.
#HadleyWickham #EdwardTufte #brazil #guatemala #usa #cuba #noamchomsky #chomsky
Two separate conversations sent me to #EdwardTufte's #BeautifulEvidence of the last day. P.161 had me thinking of #ConwaysLaw and #GoodTeaching for years. This page sent me to #McKeachies that gave me two more ideas to chew on: #GestaltPsychology's #DavidKatz's #MentalDazzle and #ThresholdConcepts for choosing what to teach while attempting a Minimalist Program....
The text on the wired page is missing some characters: readable but odd!
#ThresholdConcepts #MentalDazzle #DavidKatz #gestaltpsychology #McKeachies #GoodTeaching #ConwaysLaw #BeautifulEvidence #EdwardTufte
> The results are resoundingly clear—judgements about position relative to a baseline are dramatically more accurate than judgements about angles, area, or length (with no baseline). Hence.. [#Cleveland] suggests that we replace #PieCharts with #BarCharts or #DotPlots and that we substitute stacked bar charts for grouped bar charts.
#SolomonMessing on #EdwardTufte and #DataVisualization
#datavisualization #EdwardTufte #SolomonMessing #DotPlots #BarCharts #piecharts #cleveland
How can you do #PowerPoint type presentations after seeing #EdwardTufte's #BeautifulEvidence, especially the bottom part of page 181...
#BeautifulEvidence #EdwardTufte #powerpoint
I've come back to #CharliePark's site and this graphic a lot, for years. After taking to the trouble to learn LibreOffice Impress to do PowerPoint stuff, I stumbled on #EdwardTufte and start seeing such slideshows as bad. At first it seemed like a waste of time to start learning gnuplot, then r/ggplot2, and then Racket/plot... But we learn so much more than we think we do by not taking the easy way, the for-show way, the fake Office way of #BullShitJobs..
#bullshitjobs #EdwardTufte #CharliePark
I'm trying to see if #Anki and #AnkiWeb can work as a help, rival, or replacement for #DuoLingo . There's something about the "Good Job!" animations that makes me think of #AlfieKohn and how rewards are bad for learning. Thinking of privacy issues and advertising revenue also disturb the learning. I get distracted with thought of #EdwardTufte in #BeautifulEvidence talking about how "The #EthicalValues of #Teachers differ from those involved in #marketing ." p 161
#marketing #teachers #EthicalValues #BeautifulEvidence #EdwardTufte #AlfieKohn #duolingo #ankiweb #anki
@clacke I didn't know anything about a Swedish invasion. Thanks! Thanks to #EdwardTufte 's #BeautifulEvidence where he introduces the "greatest anti-war poster" by #Minard . It is about Napolean's #invasion . I think a search for Minard years ago showed that he did a similar poster of #Hannibal going from #Spain to #Italy that I'm just reading deeply about now.
#italy #spain #hannibal #invasion #Minard #BeautifulEvidence #EdwardTufte
Why some people in #Russia might be concerned about #Nato (Controlled by #Germany and #France more than #Greece I guess, not to mention the #USA ) expanding to their borders... It wasn't just the Nazis that invaded and killed millions before leaving in frozen defeat. #EdwardTufte in #BeautifulEvidence says #Minard made the best #antiwar #poster ever. #PaulGoodman in #PacifistFilms says plain documentaries are good, scenes of extreme bloody cruelty just make us think we all deserve to die...
#PacifistFilms #PaulGoodman #poster #antiwar #Minard #BeautifulEvidence #EdwardTufte #usa #greece #france #germany #nato #russia