I've just cleaned up all -develop releases for #EgoVenture and attached plugins. They were cluttering the releases, messing up the CHANGELOG and not usable anyway. This leaves the CHANGELOG files in a somewhat broken state. Sorry 'bout that. They'll be nicer in the upcoming releases.
Also, I've pushed #EgoVenture game template to 1.0.0, because why not?
#EgoVenture #godotengine #madewithgodot
New #EgoVenture release: 2.2.1 https://github.com/deep-entertainment/egoventure/releases/tag/2.2.1 #MadeWIthGodot
### [2.2.1](https://github.com/deep-entertainment/egoventure/compare/2.2.0...2.2.1) (2023-05-27)
### Bug Fixes
* Calculate screenshot size ([
Nice review of the latest Carol Reed game "The Gamemaker" on AdventureGamers https://adventuregamers.com/articles/view/the-game-maker-a-carol-reed-mystery
I tried to play "Titanic - Adventure out of time", but it's fairly broken nowadays (black screens, bad sound and also lacking gameplay-wise).
But while playing it I realized: this game could be made in #EgoVenture. 🥰
Tomorrow, 9:30 pm CET, there'll be finally another installment of the deep stream! Join me as I'll
continue to work on #EgoVenture and, if there's still time, my game #Safehouse with #Escoria #MadeWithGodot. See you around.
#twitch #gamedev #streaming #narrativeGames #pointAndClickGames
#pointandclickgames #narrativegames #streaming #gamedev #twitch #madewithgodot #escoria #safehouse #EgoVenture
January the first is the classic Carol Reed release date so here we go: get "The Gamemaker" from http://www.mdna-games.com/Gamemaker/about.htm while it's hot.
Made with #EgoVenture and @godotengine
#adventure #pointAndClick #narrativeGame #pointAndClickAdventure
#pointandclickadventure #narrativegame #pointandclick #adventure #EgoVenture
'tis the season: http://www.mdna-games.com/
#newgame #EgoVenture #adventure #thegamemaker #carolreed
Hello there! I'm Dennis (he/him) from deep entertainment, a hobbyist game developer from Germany mostly specializing in narrative games.
I made #EgoVenture, a first person adventure game framework, which is powering the Carol Reed series by MDNA gamea since 2022.
Additionally I contributed to #Escoria, a third person adventure game framework and @godotengine.
I'm also doing gamedev streams every Monday at https://twitch.tv/deepentertains
Check out my website for more infos.
The deepstream returns tomorrow, 9:30 pm CET where I'll once again continue to work on #EgoVenture and my game #Safehouse with #Escoria #madewithgodot. See you around.
#madewithgodot #escoria #safehouse #EgoVenture
New #EgoVenture release: 2.2.0 https://github.com/deep-entertainment/egoventure/releases/tag/2.2.0 #MadeWIthGodot
## [2.2.0](https://github.com/deep-entertainment/egoventure/compare/2.1.0...2.2.0) (2022-11-07)
### Features
* Add configuration for main men