#Egyptologist and Dean at the Arab Academy for Science, dr. Monica Hanna, is asking friends and colleagues in the #UK to sign this #petition to help repatriate the #RosettaStone and the 16 other objects taken as a spoil of war by the British. Note: only British citizens and UK residents can sign 😢 https://petition.parliament.uk/petitions/632459
#Egyptologist #uk #petition #rosettastone
#Egyptologist and Dean at the Arab Academy for Science, dr. Monica Hanna, is asking friends and colleagues in the UK to sign this #petition to help repatriate the #RosettaStone and the 16 other objects taken as a spoil of war by the British. Note: only British citizens and UK residents can sign 😢 https://petition.parliament.uk/petitions/632459
#Egyptologist #petition #rosettastone