8/8 Last for today! Yew trees were once one of the most common trees across Europe, but now much less common due to changes in land use; deer eating them (aristocatic hunting so much impact everywhere) ; and also people cutting them along paths to prevent horses nibbling them (poisonous for all animals, just not deer for some reason). There is so much more in the links and podcasts above - just want to end here with this nice (German) Youtube clip about the #Eibe!
Baumskulptur im Nussbaumpark
Hier gibt es einen dichten Bestand von sehr alten Eiben, eine Ateminsel nahe des Sendlinger Tors. Ich finde es gut, dass man Stammreste stehen lässt ...
#TaxusBaccata #Eibe #München #Baum #Park
#park #baum #munchen #Eibe #taxusbaccata
Die #Samenmäntel der #Eibe sind das einzige, was an der Pflanze nicht giftig ist. Ich mag zweihäusige Pflanzen.
#Samenmäntel #Eibe #rannugnobees