El Bulli reobre com a museu dotze anys després per a divulgar el llegat del restaurant https://www.vilaweb.cat/noticies/bulli-reobre-museu-dotze-anys-despres-divulgar-llegat-restaurant/ #FerranAdrià #Societat #ElBulli
#ferranadria #societat #ElBulli
ElBulli reobre portes el 15 de juny convertit en un museu https://www.vilaweb.cat/noticies/elbulli-reobre-portes-el-15-de-juny-convertit-en-un-museu/ #Gastronomia #FerranAdrià #ElBulli
#gastronomia #ferranadria #ElBulli
The craze for Spanish cuisine was unleashed by chef Ferran Adrià and his elBulli restaurant.
New York Times journalist Arthur Lubow penned A Laboratory of Taste and credited Adriá with turning Spain into the new France.
It was the springboard for what was to come: elBulli was named best restaurant in the world five times, El Celler de Can Roca twice, and Dabiz Muñoz reigned as the world's best chef two consecutive years.
#gastronomy #Cooking #ElBulli #Food #spain
36 Hours in Barcelona: Things to Do and See | Leafy pedestrian "superblocks," restored architectural gems and new outstanding restaurants only add to the allure of the Catalan capital. https://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2022/11/09/travel/things-to-do-barcelona.html #ElBulli(Catalonia,Spain,Restaurant) #Enigma(Barcelona,Spain,Restaurant) #TravelandVacations #BarsandNightclubs #Barcelona(Spain) #Architecture #Adria,Albert #Gaudi,Antoni #Restaurants #Museums
#ElBulli #Enigma #TravelandVacations #BarsandNightclubs #Barcelona #Architecture #Adria #Gaudi #Restaurants #Museums
Geranium is the World's Best Restaurant 2022! https://youtu.be/_rzx3jLuMmQ Geroz eta gehiago hitz egiten da produktuan oinarritutako sukaldaritzaz, #ElBulli|k utzitako ondaretik bereizteko modu gisa. Baino nik ordaindu nituzke 300 euro esperientzia hau bizitzeagatik #ametsetan