el · gang · prison · salvador
#news #prison #elsalvador
🚀 El Salvador's groundbreaking move to adopt Bitcoin as legal tender in 2021 is paying off big time. Their dollar bond has surged an incredible 70% in 2023, outperforming other emerging markets. Even financial giants like JP Morgan are taking notice. President Bukele's confidence is justified! 💰🌎 #BitcoinSuccess #Financial #Crypto #bitcoin #ElSalvador
#bitcoinsuccess #financial #crypto #bitcoin #ElSalvador
el · gang · salvador · trials
#news #elsalvador #gang
#Earthquake M6.5 off the coast of #ElSalvador 🇸🇻
Time: 2023-07-19, 00:22 UTC.
Depth: 70 km.
#ElSalvador #Argentina -- #distressed #credits rally (month-to-day return) World’s riskiest Govt #bonds outperform, chart @BloombergTV
#ElSalvador #argentina #distressed #credits #bonds
US DHS extending deportation relief and work permits for 300,000+ immigrants from #ElSalvador, #Honduras, #Nepal and #Nicaragua.
#ElSalvador #Honduras #Nepal #Nicaragua
Tether investiert in Projekt für erneuerbare Energien in El Salvador: Bitcoin-Mining-Anlage geplant https://de.cointelegraph.com/news/tether-invests-in-el-salvador-renewable-energy-scheme #ErneuerbareEnergie #Bitcoinmining #stablecoin #ElSalvador #Nachhaltig #Bitcoin #Tether #USDT #BTC
#ErneuerbareEnergie #BitcoinMining #Stablecoin #ElSalvador #nachhaltig #bitcoin #Tether #USDT #BTC
Tether: USDT-Firma investiert in Bitcoin-Mining in El Salvador https://www.btc-echo.de/schlagzeilen/tether-usdt-firma-investiert-in-bitcoin-mining-in-el-salvador-165545/ #BitcoinMining #Unternehmen #ElSalvador #Tether
#BitcoinMining #Unternehmen #ElSalvador #Tether
I have just learned that El Salvador plans to build a new city, "Bitcoin City", funded entirely by bitcoin investments. People, who live there, won't pay taxes and heating will be entirely geothermal thanks to the nearby volcano 😱
"Having endured such a reign of terror, Audelia Rosales does not question the methods by which the peace she is now enjoying has been achieved.
"Rather, she is just relieved that she can finally step out of her house after dark and take in the cool evening air."
Derelict El Salvador Gang Houses Offered to Locals
https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-latin-america-65683146 via BBC
Photo: Natalia Alberto via BBC
#ElSalvador #OrganizedCrine #CriminalGangs #CentralAmerica
#ElSalvador #organizedcrine #criminalgangs #CentralAmerica
In a groundbreaking move, Dr. Saifedean Ammous, the renowned author of the influential book “The Bitcoin Standard,” has been appointed as the economic advisor to the National #Bitcoin Office of #ElSalvador.
#Crypto #News #CryptoCurrency
#bitcoin #ElSalvador #crypto #News #cryptocurrency
Strike: Bitcoin-Zahlungsanbieter verlegt Hauptsitz nach El Salvador https://www.btc-echo.de/schlagzeilen/strike-verlegt-hauptsitz-nach-el-salvador-164877/ #Unternehmen #ElSalvador #Bitfinex #Strike
#Unternehmen #ElSalvador #bitfinex #strike
Coinbase-Chef dementiert Abwanderungsgedanken – „Setzen zu 100 Prozent auf die USA“ https://de.cointelegraph.com/news/coinbase-remains-100-committed-to-us-market-armstrong #MarketsinCryptoAssets #Krypto-Regulierung #Handelsplattform #EuropäischeUnion #Kryptowährungen #Quartalsbericht #Börsenaufsicht #Rechtsstreit #Kryptobörse #Abwanderung #Regulierung #ElSalvador #Australien #Brasilien #Singapur #Hongkong #Gericht #Krypto #Europa #Klage #MiCA #USA #SEC #Q1 #EU
#MarketsinCryptoAssets #Krypto #Handelsplattform #europaischeunion #kryptowahrungen #Quartalsbericht #borsenaufsicht #rechtsstreit #kryptoborse #abwanderung #Regulierung #ElSalvador #Australien #brasilien #singapur #hongkong #Gericht #Europa #klage #MiCA #USA #SEC #q1 #EU
El Salvador: Steuern auf technologische Innovationen abgeschafft https://www.btc-echo.de/schlagzeilen/el-salvador-schafft-steuern-auf-technologische-innovationen-ab-163823/ #Regulierung #NayibBukele #ElSalvador #Bitcoin #Steuern
#Regulierung #NayibBukele #ElSalvador #bitcoin #Steuern
Looks like El Salvador is rolling out the red carpet for tech companies. No taxes? That's purrfect! Maybe I should move there and start a tech company, "Cat Chat" anyone? 😹🐾 #ElSalvador #TechInnovations #StartupLife
#ElSalvador #techinnovations #startuplife
el · funes · gang · salvador · truce
#breakingnews #elsalvador #salvador
#breakingnews #ElSalvador #salvador
RT @SandraAWeiss
#ElSalvador #Bukele #Militares #Populismoposmoderno comentario de un colega: ?Que hubiera pasado si Leni Riefenstahl hubiese tenido un dron? https://twitter.com/sandraaweiss/status/1643790297774673922
#ElSalvador #bukele #militares #populismoposmoderno
CBDC: Peru arbeitet an digitalem Zentralbankgeld https://www.btc-echo.de/schlagzeilen/peru-will-finanzsystem-mit-cbdc-verbessern-162277/ #ElSalvador #Südamerika #CBDC
RT @SandraAWeiss
#ElSalvador: Bukele otra vez invocando los eventos de Hitler y la estética nazi. Duele ver eso en un pais donde casi 100.000 murieron luchando por la democracia.
El Salvador befreit alle „technologischen Innovationen“ von der Steuerpflicht https://de.cointelegraph.com/news/el-salvador-removes-all-taxes-related-to-tech-innovation-for-economic-growth #Lateinamerika #Mittelamerika #ElSalvador #Steuern #Bitcoin #BTC
#lateinamerika #Mittelamerika #ElSalvador #Steuern #bitcoin #BTC