Still questioning #electionIntegrity around #election2020 or even #election2022? #Antiscience Hooey.
To all at #FoxNews and all the other Trumpian #socialmedia acolytes still using doubt and fear for political or financial advantage, while pushing us toward civil war: show us the #dataforensics #electionforensics' #datascience or stfu.
Here a blurb on #electiondata from wikipedia on #BenfordsLaw to tell you where you need to look.
#electionintegrity #election2020 #Election2022 #antiscience #foxnews #socialmedia #dataforensics #electionforensics #datascience #ElectionData #BenfordsLaw
Still questioning #electionIntegrity around #election2020 or even #election2022? #Antiscience Hooey.
To all at #FoxNews and all the other Trumpian #socialmedia acolytes still using doubt and fear for political or financial advantage, while pushing us toward civil war: show us the #dataforensics #electionforensics' #datascience or stfu.
Here a blurb on #electiondata from wikipedia on #Benford'sLaw to tell you where you need to look.
#electionintegrity #election2020 #Election2022 #antiscience #foxnews #socialmedia #dataforensics #electionforensics #datascience #ElectionData #benford
Last Friday the @okfn team had a nice and spontaneous talk about #electiondata. 🗳️ It went something like this:
What are your thoughts?
As always, the opinions expressed in these posts are strictly my own and not those of AWS, my employer. Thank you to Tableau Public for hosting.
#waelex #KingCounty #DataViz #ElectionData
#WAelex #KingCounty #dataviz #ElectionData
You can find all results here:
#waelex #KingCounty #DataViz #ElectionData
#WAelex #KingCounty #dataviz #ElectionData
In the 37th legislative district, the second House seat goes to Chipalo Street, who widened his lead from Election Night.
#waelex #KingCounty #DataViz #ElectionData
#WAelex #KingCounty #dataviz #ElectionData
King County's Charter Amendment #1 concerns moving several elections from odd to even years. It passed easily, winning support in most of the county.
#waelex #KingCounty #DataViz #ElectionData
#WAelex #KingCounty #dataviz #ElectionData
Proposition 1B (ranked-choice voting) dominated in the second election-related ballot question in Seattle. Prop. 1A (approval voting) won only 3 precincts.
#waelex #KingCounty #DataViz #ElectionData
#WAelex #KingCounty #dataviz #ElectionData
After trailing on Election Night, Seattle's election reform initiative succeeded in the final data, with support mainly away from the Puget Sound and Lake Washington coastlines.
#waelex #KingCounty #DataViz #ElectionData
#WAelex #KingCounty #dataviz #ElectionData
General election final per-precinct election data are now available for King County. Here's the data for the county's Prosecuting Attorney. Leesa Manion won virtually all of Seattle, with less support in rural areas and the posher parts of the Eastside.
#waelex #KingCounty #DataViz #ElectionData
#WAelex #KingCounty #dataviz #ElectionData
Some notes:
• There are only two per-precinct data drops: one from election night and one, about a week from now, based on final data.
• The vizzes and opinions in this thread do not represent those of AWS, my employer.
#waelex #KingCounty #DataViz #ElectionData
#WAelex #KingCounty #dataviz #ElectionData
Interactive visualizations here:
Thank you to Tableau Public for hosting.
#waelex #KingCounty #DataViz #ElectionData
#WAelex #KingCounty #dataviz #ElectionData
Lastly, in a viz that shows the dangers of filled maps for election results, Democratic challenger Chris Vance captured the more densely-populated western precincts in the 31st Legislative District but still trailed incumbent Phil Fortunato on Election Night.
#waelex #KingCounty #DataViz #ElectionData
#WAelex #KingCounty #dataviz #ElectionData
In yet another voting-about-voting question, King County Charter Amendment No. 1 proposed moving certain county officials' elections from odd to even years. "Yes" led in most of the county.
#waelex #KingCounty #DataViz #ElectionData
#WAelex #KingCounty #dataviz #ElectionData
In the second Seattle voting-related question, voters were asked to choose between approval voting (1A) or ranked-choice voting (1B). In virtually all of the city, ranked-choice led on Election Night.
#waelex #KingCounty #DataViz #ElectionData
#WAelex #KingCounty #dataviz #ElectionData
Seattle voters were given a two-part question: do you want to change the voting process from "vote for one candidate" to "vote for multiple candidates"? On this question, "no" had a slim lead on Election Night.
#waelex #KingCounty #DataViz #ElectionData
#WAelex #KingCounty #dataviz #ElectionData
The King County Prosecuting Attorney is nominally a nonpartisan office, although thanks to partisan endorsements and an exiting incumbent, the race was closer than most D-vs-R contests are in the county.
#waelex #KingCounty #DataViz #ElectionData
#WAelex #KingCounty #dataviz #ElectionData
Per-precinct data are now available from Election night in King County, Washington! Here's how the U.S. Senate race shapes up based on the first ballot drop.
#waelex #KingCounty #DataViz #ElectionData
#WAelex #KingCounty #dataviz #ElectionData