#Ohio #ElectionDay #VoteNo #VoteBlueIfYouHateLies
Today Is Election Day In Ohio: Vote NO On 1 https://crooksandliars.com/2023/08/today-election-day-ohio-vote-no-1
#voteblueifyouhatelies #VoteNo #ElectionDay #Ohio
Για πείτε λίγο γρήγορα, είναι καλή αμφίεση αυτή για να πάω να ψηφίσω; #ElectionDay #εκλογές
☠️ Elon Musk friend of all dictators ☠️ #integralism #terrorism #motherfucker #integralisti #estremisti #eloncriminal #eloncaz #elondick #elon #Twitter #QAnon #ElonMoscow #Turkiye #turchia #ElectionDay
did he buy twitter for this?
#ElectionDay #turchia #Turkiye #elonmoscow #QAnon #Twitter #elon #elondick #eloncaz #eloncriminal #estremisti #integralisti #motherfucker #terrorism #integralism
It's #ElectionDay
Before they were famous, the #LindaLindas recorded a song on the subject https://music.youtube.com/watch?v=v4-kkzOtLeI&feature=share
I really do hope people vote for a positive and progressive change in their local elections today.
RT @natehiggins: Amazing to see @TheGreenParty trending on Twitter today for the local elections. Huge buzz around getting more Greens elected to fight for positive change for our communities. #GetGreensElected @green_doorstep #ElectionDay https://t.co/EfxH73i9cz
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/GreenPartyScott/status/1654133622914400257
#GetGreensElected #FairerGreenerCommunities #ElectionDay
Just wandered down the road to vote in the local elections. The Lib Dem candidate took himself out of the running this morning with a leaflet through the door promising a residents' parking scheme for the area. Absolutely hate them. What I want is an end to commercial vehicles over the size of a very small van parking down the road, and no commercial vehicles at all if the household has a car of its own.
#ukpolitics #LocalElections #ElectionDay #Election
Wouldn’t want to be a polling station worker today, there’ll be a fair number turning up to vote without ID I expect.
#elections #election #ElectionDay
#elections #election #ElectionDay
So T Dawg is actually my boss…there are no words I can use here to describe this, but if it raises a smile and gets folks to ensure they have #VoterID on #ElectionDay, May 4th, then I guess it’s all good…
Holy shit it’s actually starting to look kinda good. Gotta be confident in Johnson. And mea culpa for all the doom and gloom last week. #chicago #electionday
Holy shit it’s actually starting to look kinda good. Gotta be confident in Johnson. And mea culpa for all the doom and gloom last week. #chicago #electionday
Some weirdly mixed turnout news so far. On the one hand, the runoff electorate appears to be younger than the round 1 electorate, which favors Johnson. On the other hand, 7 of the top 10 wards in terms of turnout (so far anyway) are wards Vallas won big in round 1. Gonna be a nail-biter. #chicago #ElectionDay
#ElectionDay #eduskuntavaalit2023 I should mske myself ready and go vote. :)
#ElectionDay #eduskuntavaalit2023
Opened polls about 30 minutes ago for a special school board election in a rural district. 615 registered voters for this precinct.
#SchoolBoard #Iowa #Elections #ElectionDay
Senator Dino Melaye stands up against INEC and speaks for the people in the 2023 Nigerian Election #NigeriaDecides2023 #ElectionResults #NigeriaDecides2023 #CTVTweets #ElectionDay #2023Verdict https://www.GPTrending.com/#/?date=2023-02-27&topic=Dino
#2023verdict #ElectionDay #ctvtweets #electionresults #nigeriadecides2023
RT @eueomNigeria23: #ElectionDay tomorrow!
See @eueomNigeria23 statement condemning violence.
#election2023 #NigeriaElections2023 #NigeriaDecides2023
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/EvinIncir/status/1629232940432359424
#ElectionDay #election2023 #NigeriaElections2023 #NigeriaDecides2023
RT @eueomNigeria23: Chief Observer @BarryAndrewsMEP and @EUparliament Delegation led by @evinincir discussed a range of issues and preparations for #ElectionDay with @inecnigeria Chairman Prof. Mahmood Yakubu yesterday
#NigeriaDecides2023 #Elections2023
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/EvinIncir/status/1629061496477974529
#ElectionDay #NigeriaDecides2023 #Elections2023
It's Election Day in Wisconsin! Wisconsin has same-day voter registration.
Find your voting place: https://myvote.wi.gov/en-us/Find-My-Polling-Place
#WisconsinSupremeCourt #Election #ElectionDay #WisconsinPolitics #voting
#wisconsinsupremecourt #election #ElectionDay #wisconsinpolitics #voting