What happened was there was a woman, my understanding is basically loitering outside of a dropbox all day, and she gets picked up by a junior guy and arrested because he’s like, what are you doing? You’re stuffing this box. What’s going on? So they arrest her, and she basically spills the beans. She’s a democratic operative. She’s got filled-out ballots, like 7000 is what I was hearing, and they arrested her.
New Poll Show Majority of Republicans say 2020 election was invalid #ElectionFraud2020 #FakePresident http://redstateobserver.com/article.asp?id=182832
#fakepresident #ElectionFraud2020
#JoeBiden #HunterBiden #NWO #Socialism #CCP #China #Trump #Trump2020 #TrumpWon #TrumpWon2020 #TrumpWon2020Election #ElectionFraud #ElectionFraud2020
#JoeBiden #hunterbiden #nwo #socialism #ccp #China #Trump #trump2020 #trumpwon #TrumpWon2020 #TrumpWon2020Election #electionfraud #ElectionFraud2020