ConcernedCitizenSC · @stillconcerned
69 followers · 130 posts · Server

Mark Meadows Ordered to Testify in Trump Investigation
The South Carolina Supreme Court rejected an effort by the former White House chief of staff to avoid testifying in an investigation of .


Last updated 2 years ago

ConcernedCitizenSC · @stillconcerned
160 followers · 255 posts · Server

@drwho @strypey

Sometimes we use<URL_OF_OFFENDING_PAGE> to view the content.

As an aside, there are few banks left in that are not controlled by and many important websites are Cf too and completely block access to users who value their privacy.

#australia #cloudflare #minorParty #torbrowser #ElectionMeddling #myABC #NotMyABC #akamaiABC #auspol #foreigninterference #russiagate #cdn #corporateDictatorshipNetwork #fascism #imperialism #privac

Last updated 3 years ago

Sustainable Australia Party used to call these "de facto standards" "".

They used to argue that such natural monopolies must be made public.

They may still do, but we can no longer access their site as blocks access to it. Cloudflare serve a number of other websites, all of which are inaccessible.

Keep in mind, is IN AN , right now.

#naturalMonopolies #cloudflare #minorParty #australia #election #auspol #privacy #ElectionMeddling #ElectionRigging #usa #democracyDoesNotExist

Last updated 3 years ago

Sustainable Australia Party used to call these "de facto standards" "".

They used to argue that such natural monopolies must be made public.

They may still do, but we can no longer access their site as blocks access to it. Cloudflare serve a number of other websites, all of which are inaccessible.

Keep in mind, is IN AN , right now.

#naturalMonopolies #cloudflare #minorParty #australia #election #auspol #privacy #ElectionMeddling #ElectionRigging #usa #democracyDoesNotExist

Last updated 3 years ago

The part about how they are "defending democracy" and "elections" while they are also a mega on with questionable origins.

We especially love the line, "But we () admittedly lack expertise in matters of geopolitics and human rights."


How about we start with a basic one — the to basic ?

#corporation #wallstreet #cloudflare #HUMANRIGHT #privacy #OREALLY #projectGalileo #moneyLoser #defendingDemocracy #elections #ElectionMeddling #electioninterference #geopolitics #humanrights

Last updated 3 years ago

Great to see the last real leader of , , talk about ending 's empire.

is going after the dead heart of 's and that is . Many people don't know that it's owned by the outfit.

has been attacked by the , empire since rallying interest with a .

More info:

#australia #KevinRudd #rupertmurdoch #misinformation #rudd #Murdoch #newscorp #realEstateDotComDotAu #disinfo #KRudd #fakenews #USOwned #petition #SayNoToRealEstateAU #ElectionMeddling

Last updated 4 years ago