enigmajx #FBPE #FBPPR · @enigmajx
425 followers · 549 posts · Server toot.wales

While a fantastic result in Selby, the Uxbridge near-miss might just give Labour pause that the electoral system is NOT their friend.


#ElectoralReform #brokenfptp #labourdrawingboard

Last updated 1 year ago

Woo · @wootube
68 followers · 531 posts · Server mastodonapp.uk

@RDHale We need first or we'll get some fascist, "for a laff".


Last updated 2 years ago

ArtBear, a British type o Bear · @ArtBear
2069 followers · 5773 posts · Server mastodonapp.uk

This website is amazing. Everyone in UK should not just be boosting this here, but sharing on corporate social also.

Prevent Tory on Thursday 4th May with tactical voting right down to the local seat level. My local councillor ward for example is:

Seat 1: Green
Seat 2: Labour
Seat 3: Labour

Really granular tactical advice.

Also don't forget your photo ID!!!


#TacticalVote #localelections #ukpolitics #uk #vote #ElectoralReform #FPTP

Last updated 2 years ago

ArtBear, a British type o Bear · @ArtBear
2053 followers · 5614 posts · Server mastodonapp.uk

Complete guide to voting in UK elections (hack FPTP)

1) Go here. Prevent Tory above all.

2) Also use SwapMyVote to increase value of your vote.

Q. But I like a party that can't win?
A. That's why you use as well as . Can pressure parties to adopt . But ALWAYS vote tactically under

Q. But I'm uncertain about party leaders?
A. You're not voting in leaders. Only voting in YOUR constituency area.

#swapmyvote #VoteTactically #ElectoralReform #FPTP

Last updated 2 years ago

ArtBear, a British type o Bear · @ArtBear
2017 followers · 5426 posts · Server mastodonapp.uk

@Lazarou @Gerz


There are 3 things we should focus on.

1) Pushing for inside political parties.

2) Getting non-voters, Tory voters & progressive voters alike to use tactical voting to prevent Tory.

3) Combined with something like SwapMyVote to make their tactical votes matter even more, wherever they live, no matter how safe the seat. Hack the god awful system.

#ElectoralReform #FPTP

Last updated 2 years ago

ArtBear, a British type o Bear · @ArtBear
2017 followers · 5426 posts · Server mastodonapp.uk

@Gerz @Lazarou

Almost every fascist Gvt has got in to power because their opponents were too busy arguing amongst themselves to oppose.

30% voted Tory
32% didn't vote
38% were too busy fighting each other to prevent Tory by putting aside some differences and voting tactically

30% Result =massive Tory majority to do anything they liked with nearly all rebellions +constituent pressure on MPs essentially failing.

system needs , but we have to vote tactically meanwhile.

#uk #ElectoralReform

Last updated 2 years ago

enigmajx #FBPE #FBPPR · @enigmajx
443 followers · 435 posts · Server toot.wales

πŸ’₯ Members' calls for have dominated Labour's manifesto consultation.
β†— Labour List: twitter.com/Labour4PR/status/1

πŸ“’ Oped from LCER Youth Officer, Reed James, on what this means and why it matters to young people.
β†— Labour List: twitter.com/Labour4PR/status/1

Lot's going on in the Party right now.Β πŸ™

#ElectoralReform #ukpolitics #uklabour #proportionalrepresentation

Last updated 2 years ago



I'm sure there's a typo in the headline.

It says By Keir Starmer
It should say
Including Keir Starmer.

Labour might scrape the next election, and it's hard to see how the Tories can recover, but they will

Personally I hope Labour can't get an outright majority without partnership, because this current crop have run to the right chasing former UKIP voters and big business and have forgotten what the party originally stood for.

Getting an unfettered Starmer instead of a Tory in No.10 is just prolonging this country's death sentence.

We need change.

#mission #starmer #labour #UKPolitics #UK #ElectoralReform #EU

Last updated 2 years ago

Simon Hobeck · @Shobeck
33 followers · 228 posts · Server indieweb.social

Am excited to be attending the Green Party's webinar discussing and . Panel includes
@ZackPolanski, @natehiggins, @natalieben and

#makevotesmatter #pr #ElectoralReform

Last updated 2 years ago

JellyDots · @JellyDots
58 followers · 100 posts · Server mastodonapp.uk

RT @jelly_dots
From the govt’s own website: Selflessness, Integrity, Objectivity, Accountability, Openness, Honesty, Leadership. How do you think they’re doing? πŸ€” gov.uk/government/publications

#GTTO #GeneralElectionNow #ElectoralReform

Last updated 2 years ago

Listening Politician · @BarmanPolitics
136 followers · 218 posts · Server mastodonapp.uk

If you want a resulting in a govt, want , including ,
support workers right to strike, want to protect the
, and want a path to
Give me a

#GeneralElectionNow #Labour #ElectoralReform #AbolishTheHouseOfLords #nhs #RejoinEU #followbackfriday #FBPPR #fbpe #FBPA

Last updated 2 years ago

· @jackLondon
166 followers · 1590 posts · Server mastodonapp.uk

@LJClements8 @OliverNoble

As you detect, I am not that bothered about - because I do not beleive it is a practically achievable objective. Like calory-free cheese it would be lovely, but I am too pragmatic to use time on attempting to produce it.

There is a proposal for and replacement of the - if manage to get those done it would be significant - and they are hard enough.

#ElectoralReform #englishdevolution #lords #Labour

Last updated 2 years ago

· @jackLondon
162 followers · 1550 posts · Server mastodonapp.uk

@potatogunkelly @OliverNoble @labour

Well then there is no coalition, has a reason to demand an early second election & get that majority which he either will (most likely) or lose to the Tories.

You can squint to look for scenarios that suit you - but I really think there is no way to get except by convincing and I see no evidence this is happening

#Starmer #ElectoralReform #labourleaders

Last updated 2 years ago

· @jackLondon
162 followers · 1550 posts · Server mastodonapp.uk

@potatogunkelly @OliverNoble @labour

Incidentally those thinking coalition results in more progressive change than an overall majority aren't reviewing evidence from the Coalition - which is rather the opposite. In many areas a majority will empower progressive change more effectively - I cannot see doing any better than last time on unless at cabinet level are on the same side

It would be great to be rid of - I just can't see the route

#Labour #LibDems #ElectoralReform #labourleaders #FPTP

Last updated 2 years ago

The solution to unrepresentative rule isn’t simply to potentially substitute one set of people who support governance by minority for another. We need and to resolve the sickness in our democracy. What we have is outdated and unfit for the 21st century and the diversity that is now standard in society.

#ElectoralReform #proportionalrepresentation

Last updated 2 years ago

· @jackLondon
130 followers · 1023 posts · Server mastodonapp.uk

@happy @RichardHeigl

Well it will not surprise you to read my scepticism on being on the agenda =- has adopted the proposals for and that is a very big ask for a single term by itself. I hope for much improved relations and moves to closerAlignment short of which I hope will be in the subsequent

#ElectoralReform #Starmer #gordonbrown #LordsReform #euuk #SingleMarket #manifesto

Last updated 2 years ago

hxavierf · @hxavierf
0 followers · 1 posts · Server thecanadian.social

I want a single-platform political party to bring in and to Canada

#ElectoralReform #proportionalrepresentation

Last updated 2 years ago

A rare British Grizzled Bear · @ArtBear
1099 followers · 2072 posts · Server mastodonapp.uk

@peter_lord @violetathena @DiBosco


is absolute garbage. It has never once in decades let me vote for a MP I wanted. I have only ever voted to attempt to prevent an MP I know to be terrible (who usually gets elected anyway).

#FPTP #uk #ElectoralReform #ukpolitics

Last updated 2 years ago

A rare British Grizzled Bear · @ArtBear
1078 followers · 1945 posts · Server mastodonapp.uk

@peter_lord @violetathena @DiBosco

The current situation in the . essential. It is quite simply not democracy for 30% of electorate to hold all power in to infinity.

Situ also deliberately worsened by corrupt boundary redraw (& new requirements that allows & excludes young/ minority ppl ID effectively) by ruling Conservative Gvt.

While looking at awful fig below you need to remember it maybe 5x worse as 80% of vote tactically to prevent Tory

#uk #ElectoralReform #voterid #elderlyID #green

Last updated 2 years ago

Listening Politician · @BarmanPolitics
93 followers · 117 posts · Server mastodonapp.uk

RT @colchlondoner@twitter.com

Follow me, if like me you want Labour, SNP, Plaid Cymru, LibDems and the Greens to unite and finally end this Tory shitshow!

I'm happy to follow all back!

The system is broken

πŸ¦πŸ”—: twitter.com/colchlondoner/stat

#followbackfriday #fbpe #GTTO #NeverVoteConservative #colchester #ElectoralReform

Last updated 2 years ago