Around 14,000 people did not vote after being unable to show photo ID, elections watchdog says | The Independent
#elections #voterid #votersuppression #electoralcommission #LocalElection #May2023Elections #disabled #unemployed #ReesMogg #BarriersToVoting #Rayner #morgan #ElectoralReformSociety #DeptForLevellingUpHousingAndCommunities #NorthernIreland #NI
From next year you'll need photo ID to vote in UK elections (and the list of acceptable IDs is badly weighted towards older people). This is basically guaranteed to prevent more valid votes than fraudulent ones. If you're eligible to vote, make sure you have a valid ID in plenty of time.
You can find the list of ID types here: #Voting #UkElections #ElectoralReformSociety
#ElectoralReformSociety #ukelections #voting
From next year you'll need photo ID to vote in UK elections (and the list of acceptable IDs is badly weighted towards older people). This is basically guaranteed to prevent more valid votes than fraudulent ones. If you're eligible to vote, make sure you have a valid ID in plenty of time.
You can find the list of ID types here: #Voting #UkElections #ElectoralReformSociety
#ElectoralReformSociety #ukelections #voting
I know many are appalled at Govt's #VoterID plans - & clear attempts to further disenfranchise younger voters by limiting the forms of ID they can use (as compared with older voters)
This policy is despicable- but it would be difficult to challenge legally atm (see attached briefing from Good Law Project)
We need to think instead about political campaigning (as #ElectoralReformSociety are doing)
Any other campaigns/ groups you'd recommend?
#ElectoralReformSociety #voterid
The Government is engaged in what is - quite nakedly - voter suppression
Read this and weep from the #ElectoralReformSociety on one of the ways that Government is deliberately making it harder for young people to vote
#VoterID #UKPolitics #VoterSuppression #ElectoralReform
#electoralreform #votersuppression #ukpolitics #voterid #ElectoralReformSociety