Nottingham Gaussfest
Tesla coils, Wimshurst machines, Van de Graaff , Jacobs ladders generators and all sorts of high voltage demonstrations. (plus a pair of beam engines)
Please register to visit (or if you have something HV to demo)
Please boost for coverage and redistribute to your networks.
#gaussfest #tesla #TeslaCoils #HighVoltage #electronics #makers #wimshurst #VanDeGraaff
#vandegraaff #wimshurst #makers #Electronics #highvoltage #teslacoils #Tesla #gaussfest
« Apple shipped me a 79-pound iPhone repair kit to fix a 1.1-ounce battery »
#Technology #RightToRepair #Electronics #Apple #Smartphone
No ignition cylinder/steering column?
No problem!
These older cars have pretty simple electrical systems, and they're dead easy to hotwire. I'm still rebuilding the steering column but I needed to start the car to test something else. A few bits of metal and alligator clips did the job nicely.
#Electronics #whitehat #Cars #Hacking
Apropos of nothing - why is there lately so many #electronics tutorials and #DIY stuff from #India on the Internet? Is there some kind of supercharged interest in DIY electronics going on over there?
Nottingham Gaussfest (Teslathon) registrations for visitors and exhibitors are now open.
This year it will be held on Saturday 4th November
Visitors will see demos of high voltage equipment.
Exhibitors with any high voltage equipment, teslacoils, electro static, n'stuff welcome.
Please boost for coverage and redistribute to your networks.
#teslacoils, #highvoltage #electronics #sparks #gaussfest #electrostatic #wimshurst #vandegraaff
#vandegraaff #wimshurst #electrostatic #gaussfest #sparks #Electronics #highvoltage #teslacoils
Question: I have a power supply with a NCP1200AD60, which has been obsoleted. There are other active models in the NCP1200 series, but does anyone know if I can use them as a drop in replacement? #electronics
For those of you using #appleMusic: my latest single, Undressed #2, is also out there.
Minimalistic #ukulele + some #electronics, that is.
#Electronics #ukulele #AppleMusic
@kenshirriff but then again it's common for #Electronics #Designers and #Engineers to add something like a signature to their works...
#engineers #Designers #Electronics
An #Apanthropist #Geek who enjoys #AmateurRadio using #Computers with #Linux and #Tinkering & #Hacking with #Electronics #Arduino & #RaspberryPi
Interested in #Maths #Science #Technology
I enjoy #Singing as a #Tenor and making noises with with #Organ & #Synth
I love #Greyhounds & #Lurchers as well as #Beer & #Chocolate
#raspi #Math #lurcher #greyhound #hamr #chocolate #Beer #Lurchers #greyhounds #synth #organ #tenor #singing #Technology #Science #maths #RaspberryPi #Arduino #Electronics #Hacking #tinkering #Linux #computers #AmateurRadio #geek #apanthropist #Introduction
New #single in the wild! Undressed #2 is a collaboration between Choan Gálvez and Solo Va, featuring the #minimalistic #ukulele of the former and the #electronics and production of the latter.
Enjoy it wherever you prefer:
The score (ukulele #tablature) is published by @theukulelebookshop and the recording is available on #bandcamp, #spotify, #youtube and most streaming services.
#YouTube #Spotify #BandCamp #tablature #Electronics #ukulele #minimalistic #single
I suspect this monitor may have been exposed to just a *tiny* bit of humidity.
I'm no expert though.
#RetroComputing #repair #Electronics
Dude, it's a
(I may have bought this monitor just for this joke, you'll never know).
#Furry #puns #RetroComputing #retro #Electronics #computers
I love anything that reduces the e-waste pipeline and reuse of hard mined minerals...
As a guy who spent years elbows deep in Spa Hot Tub power board returns/repairs, and even more in development & design.
I have concerns, and most of them aren't even related to the trade off in power / environmental impact to heat water for tons of cicuitry a year and where that water goes or never gets to go.
But, yeah, that is cool.
#ewaste #News #engineering #Electronics
Nottingham Gaussfest registrations for visitors and exhibitors are now open.
This year it will be held on Saturday 4th November at Papplewick Pumping station.
Exhibitors with any high voltage equipment, tesla coils, electro static, distribution etc welcome.
Please boost for coverage.
#teslacoils, #highvoltage #electronics #sparks #gaussfest #electrostatic #wimshurst #vandegraaff
#vandegraaff #wimshurst #electrostatic #gaussfest #sparks #Electronics #highvoltage #teslacoils
New supply of #Hardware on a short budget started to come in :goose_hacker: #Embedded #ReverseEngineering #Electronics #Debugging
#debugging #Electronics #reverseengineering #Embedded #Hardware
Am I the only one who can't throw away old #electronics prototypes? At least the museum's collection will be awesome when the Wegmatt empire opens its visitor center.
Na mé meteostanici od LaskaKit mi po třech měsících odešlo čidlo BME280. Odesílá teplotu o cca. 10 stupňů vyšší a bere mnohem větší množství proudu. Mám objednat nové (stejné) nebo mi doporučíte spíše jiné? Co myslíte místní bastliči @chiptronCZ @adent? #bastleni #dyi #electronics #meteo
#bastleni #dyi #Electronics #meteo
@yakkoj yeah...
What I'd love to see are more #electronics #VendingMachines just selling basic essentials like a #Powerbank, #USB-C cables, Top-Up vouchers for #Prepaid cards and potentially #StupidPhones!
#stupidphones #prepaid #USB #powerbank #vendingmachines #Electronics
Just a reminder from your friendly maned wolf internet buddy.
#retrogaming #Electronics #TV #retro #television