Reformation and the Spirit of Elijah part 2

Paul spoke about a time of reformation that was to come (ref Heb 9:10).

The Day of the Lord will not come until the “falling away comes first” (ref 2 Th 2:3). The word for “falling away,” speaks of a defection from the truth. The majority of the body of Christ has fallen away from the truth. Elijah comes to restore what has fallen away through the teaching of revelation (deeper understanding of the WORD).

“Do not lie to one another, since you have put off the old man with his deeds, and have put on the new man who is renewed in knowledge to the image of Him who created him” (Col 3:10).

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Last updated 1 year ago

Paul spoke about a time of reformation that was to come (ref Heb 9:10).

The Day of the Lord will not come until the “falling away comes first” (ref 2 Th 2:3). The word for “falling away,” speaks of a defection from the truth. The majority of the body of Christ has fallen away from the truth. Elijah comes to restore what has fallen away through the teaching of revelation (deeper understanding of the WORD).

“Do not lie to one another, since you have put off the old man with his deeds, and have put on the new man who is renewed in knowledge to the image of Him who created him” (Col 3:10).

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#apostlemichaelpetro #thevoiceofhealing #Elijah #reform #truth #restore #Renew #revive

Last updated 1 year ago

Have you heard of the Spirit of Elijah? Is it important to know?

On the Mt. of Transfiguration, Jesus said that Elijah had come and will come again to restore all things (ref Matt 17:11-12). John the Baptist came in the Spirit of Elijah, but Elijah coming again is not addressed in today's theologies (Luke 1:17).
So, what is the Spirit of Elijah and why do we, as Christians, need to understand its significance?

The Spirit of Elijah prepares that way of the Lord by making the way straight. John the Baptist prepared the way of the Lord by bringing a message of the revelation of Jesus Christ. That message was to bring heart of repentance in order to follow Jesus (ref Mal 4: 5-6, Mar 1:1-9).

Stay tuned for part 2

Visit for more on the Spirit of Elijah.

#thevoiceofhealing #Elijah #Redeem #Straight #Garden #learning #prophet #fire #judgment #repent #prepare

Last updated 1 year ago

Repent over Rebel

God called the children of Israel rebellious children, but what does rebellion look like (ref Isa 30:1)?
In Hebrew, the word rebellious speaks of: a “thorn, representing a turning”; “the turning of the head to another direction” and “one who rules the people to his direction.” It’s a turning away from God, which was what the children of Egypt were doing when they were talking counsel and putting their trust in alternate sources not from God.

Repentance, on the other hand, is the opposite; it means turning back to God. This happens in our mind and through our actions.

To read and learn more about the Spirit of Elijah, follow us on our social media platforms or visit

#Elijah #spirit #repentance #Turn #children #Rebellious #thevoiceofhealing

Last updated 2 years ago

The Prophet Elijah

Elijah the Tishbite was a major prophet mentioned in the Old Testament. His ministry extended during the time of Ahab from 874-853 B.C. (ref 2Ch 21:4-16). He confronted King Ahab, who allowed the worship of Baal and idolatry throughout Israel, and went up against over 400 of Baal’s false prophets (ref 1Ki 18).

Elijah had the power and authority to call a famine in the land and announce when the rain would return (ref 1Ki 17:1-2; 1Ki 18:16-46). Elijah performed many signs and miracles through the power of God’s Spirit including: the raising of the dead (ref 1Ki 17) and calling down fire from heaven (ref 1Ki 18:38).

Want to find out more on Elijah? We have lots of resources at

#terrible #Great #god #spirit #prophet #Elijah #thevoiceofhealing

Last updated 2 years ago

The Spirit of Elijah

Elijah was a prophet who confronted the king, preached repentance, and performed many miracles during his time on earth. In the Book of Malachi it is prophesied God would send the Spirit of Elijah before the coming of the Lord (ref Mal 4:5-6).

On the Mt of Transfiguration, Jesus said that Elijah came but they didn’t know him - speaking of John the Baptist. However, Jesus stated Elijah will come and restore all things, and since John the Baptist was already dead at this time, Jesus had to be speaking of a future coming of John the Baptist (Mat 17:10-13).

This shows us that the prophecy in Malachi has not yet been fully fulfilled. So then, who is this Elijah that is coming to restore all things?

You can find out more on the Spirit of Elijah by visiting us at

#Prophecy #Way #prepare #repentance #John #Elijah #thevoiceofhealing

Last updated 2 years ago

What does true restoration look like?

God is restoring us to a deeper understanding of who He is, while also turning the hearts of the fathers in the faith (those mature in understanding) back to the hearts of the children (those immature in their understanding) and vice versa (Mal 4:6). This is referring to our ability to see and understand spiritual things, or the deeper things of scripture, i.e., the man whose eyesight was restored when Jesus placed His hands over his eyes (Mar 8:25). The Lord wants our eyes to be opened to understand His word.

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#Son #father #Elijah #Understanding #spiritual #EyesToSee #Restoration #thevoiceofhealing

Last updated 2 years ago

The Early Church taught that the spirit of Elijah would lead a remnant out of the church. These people are believed to be not literal, but spiritual jews, who have gone through a spiritual circumcision of the heart.

But he is a Jew, which is one inwardly; & circumcision is that of the heart, in the spirit, & not in the letter; whose praise is not of men, but of God. (Romans 2:29).

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#Understanding #Remnant #Elijah #Sealed #thevoiceofhealing

Last updated 3 years ago

Everyone wants a sign, something natural they can see in order to believe.
If we think we can wait until we see it with physical eyes, we’ll have missed it completely.
We should be discerning the times & getting prepared by buying the oil & be looking for the Elijah that is to come, who is to prepare us for the second coming.

If you are looking for a the Spirit of Elijah to get yourself ready, visit us at

#Elijah #Pharisees #SecondComing #times #signs #thevoiceofhealing

Last updated 3 years ago