In Japan, a Korean man tells of his reading of this Japanese translation of a Korean and I'm thinking of dying Jimmy Carter and crucified El Salvador. A couple times a year I have to re-read parts of _#DeterringDemocracy_(1991) for clear eyes, to avoid limited views and sycophant bullshit. In #Korea families told their young men to go away before they got themselves and their families tortured. #Ellacuria's "#LaceratedReality" comes to mind.
#ParkLaegoon #ManabeYuko #日本語 #韓国 #NoamChomsky
#noamchomsky #韓国 #日本語 #manabeyuko #parklaegoon #laceratedreality #Ellacuria #korea
Keep away from #Cliches about #religion and #ThePope #Popes #LiberationTheology #Gospels #PreferntialOptionForThePoort #Chomsky #NoamChomsky #CatholicBishops #ElSalvador #Ellacuria #MartinBaro #Reagan #PresidentReagan
#PresidentReagan #reagan #MartinBaro #Ellacuria #elsalvador #catholicbishops #noamchomsky #chomsky #PreferntialOptionForThePoort #gospels #liberationtheology #popes #ThePope #religion #cliches
@natecull @TMakarios Towards the end if the Cold War Reagan was killing Jesuit priests as godless Marxists. It's like they sold a War against the Catholic church in Latin America as a War against atheist communists. The power of thought-stopping cliches is murderous. #Ellacuria #MartinBaro, and those Maryknoll nuns as another example...
"[You] have organized your lives around inhuman values, [these values] are inhuman because they cannot be universalized. The system rests on a few using the majority of the resources, while the majority can’t even cover their basic necessities. It is crucial to define a system of values and a norm of living that takes into account every human being."
#NoamChomsky #Ellacuria #IgnacioEllacuria #TheWest #Inhumanvalues #Universalized #CatholicChurch preview of #LaudatoSi
#LaudatoSi #catholicchurch #Universalized #Inhumanvalues #thewest #IgnacioEllacuria #Ellacuria #noamchomsky
> ... a few days before he was assassinated... in November 1989, Father Ignacio #Ellacuria ,.. “[You] have organized your lives around inhuman values,” he said. These values "... are inhuman because they cannot be universalized. The system rests on a few using the majority of the resources, while the majority can’t even cover their basic necessities. It is crucial to define a system of values and a norm of living that takes into account every human being." #Chomsky