Elsi is a wonderful singer / songwriter and person.
I discovered her music through @thebugcast when they first played her song "Pink Feelings and Salmon Thoughts".
Her website is at http://elsi.uk
Elsi has announced that she is going to release her first album, and needs support getting the project started. The support link is: https://www.gofundme.com/f/symphony-of-support-pitch-in-for-my-debut-albumn
Listened to Elsi performing in the Strawberry Fair 2023.
#Elsi #StrawberryFair
Elsi is a wonderful singer & songwriter.
Today she added 2 new videos to her YouTube channel.
Highly recommended!
#Elsi #SingerSongwriter
Excellent video recording of Elsi at the Barrel Sessions.
Today The Bugcast Podcast episode 664 played a creative commons licensed track from Elsi named "Pink Feelings and Salmon Thoughts".
I liked it so much that I checked out her website: http://elsi.uk/
She is very talented indeed.
#Bugcast #Elsi