- And here's the list of my ten favourite actresses, and if you haven't seen the film Eighth Grade and Elsie Fisher well that's naturalistic acting at it's finest.
• Sally Hawkins
• Carey Mulligan
• Saoirse Ronan
• Emily Blunt
• Kate Winslet
• Elle Fanning
• Elsie Fisher
• Jessica Barden
• Isis Hainsworth
• Audrey Hepburn
#sallyhawkins #CareyMulligan #SaoirseRonan #Emilyblunt #KateWinslet #ElleFanning #ElsieFisher #JessicaBarden #IsisHainsworth #audreyhepburn
In today's review, I deal with the legacy of Leatherface, as I attempt a #positive review of the 2022 legacy sequel Texas Chainsaw Massacre #ElsieFisher
#JolyonCoy http://therealmrpositive.com/2022/04/28/texas-chainsaw-massacre-2022/
#positive #ElsieFisher #SarahYarkin #MoeDunford #OlwenFouéré #JacobLatimore #NellHudson #alicekrige #WilliamHope #JolyonCoy