This week, Trond Snekvik of Nordic Semiconductor spoke with Chris ( @stoneymonster ) and Elecia ( @logicalelegance ) about developing VSCode extensions and Bluetooth meshes.
You can listen here: !
Here is an excerpt from the show:
#bluetooth #nordic #embedded #zephyr #vscode #programming #Podcast
#Podcast #Programming #vscode #zephyr #Embedded #nordic #Bluetooth
@stoneymonster @logicalelegance
It can elect something they have officially named a "friend node" in the network, which is very cute. So your friend will take care of the incoming messages for you, store them in the queue. And then when you feel you have the energy, you can ask your friend to give you all the messages it has received for you, for a while. So it is like having your neighbor keeping your mail for you.
#nordic #zephyr #vscode #programming #extensions #embedded #podcast
#Podcast #Embedded #extensions #Programming #vscode #zephyr #nordic
It can elect something they have officially named a "friend node" in the network, which is very cute. So your friend will take care of the incoming messages for you, store them in the queue. And then when you feel you have the energy, you can ask your friend to give you all the messages it has received for you, for a while. So it is like having your neighbor keeping your mail for you.
#nordic #zephyr #vscode #programming #extensions #embedded #podcast
#Podcast #Embedded #extensions #Programming #vscode #zephyr #nordic
This week, Trond Snekvik spoke with Chris( @stoneymonster ) and Elecia( @logicalelegance ) about developing VSCode extensions and Bluetooth meshes.
Here's the transcript from the show:
Feel free to read through and share your favorite quotes!
#nordic #zephyr #vscode #programming #extensions #embedded #podcast
#Podcast #Embedded #extensions #Programming #vscode #zephyr #nordic
Trond Snekvik spoke with Chris( @stoneymonster ) and Elecia( @logicalelegance ) about developing VSCode extensions and Bluetooth meshes on this week's edition of Embedded.
Listen here: !
#nordic #zephyr #vscode #programming #extensions #embedded #Podcast #Tech #BLE
#ble #Tech #Podcast #Embedded #extensions #Programming #vscode #zephyr #nordic
@ncommander @greymatter @sataa @ActionRetro @ubuntu
OFC it comes with that drawback, but then again for an #embedded & #minimalist distro, swapping out the statically executeables is worth it, espechally since we're still wrhin Kilobytes...
Throwback to episode 413: Puppy-Like Glee
#embedded #podcast #quotes #engineering #embeddedsystems #Tech
#Tech #embeddedsystems #engineering #quotes #Podcast #Embedded
Throwback to episode 424:Between Midnight And 6AM
#embedded #podcast #quotes #engineering #embeddedsystems #Tech
#Tech #embeddedsystems #engineering #quotes #Podcast #Embedded
Yay it's time for some hardcore (not the Musk-described hardcore) engineering with #Bluetooth :pikachuroll: #Embedded #Wireless #Physics
#Physics #wireless #Embedded #Bluetooth
Throwback to episode 423:Speaking Of Aardvarks
#embedded #podcast #quotes #engineering #embeddedsystems #Tech
#Tech #embeddedsystems #engineering #quotes #Podcast #Embedded
Throwback to episode 419:Fission Chips
#embedded #podcast #quotes #engineering #embeddedsystems #Tech
#Tech #embeddedsystems #engineering #quotes #Podcast #Embedded
@beforewisdom @Yehuda @fsf exactly.
As for the #GNUtils like #bash, I do work on getting rid of them as well where I can.
I am currently working on a #minimalist #embedded distro based off #toybox / #Linux + #musl, because #Glibc is a shitty mess that bricks stuff at random in minor version updates for no good reason!
#toybox #glibc #musl #Linux #Embedded #minimalist #Bash #GNUtils
While I totally agree (from my own work experience included) that encrypting firmware is essential, as well as having such guide... IMO I'd like to stress without diversifying encryption keys and making it unique per each device there's not much to gain from it
#Encryption #Embedded #Firmware #ReverseEngineering #Hardware #IoT
#IOT #Hardware #reverseengineering #firmware #Embedded #Encryption
Throwback to episode 314:Why Are Wings Needed In Space?
#embedded #podcast #quotes #engineering #embedded systems
#engineering #quotes #Podcast #Embedded
We're off this week but you don't have to be 😁.
You can find past episodes here: and their transcripts here:
We've had some awesome episodes with great quotes worth remembering. We'll be dropping one each day till the next show!
#embedded #podcast #quotes #engineering #embedded systems
#engineering #quotes #Podcast #Embedded
My partner says "you don't actually understand this do you?". Unfortunately for her, now I do 😈. (From the Modern Embedded course: )
#Programming #C #Hacker #embedded #Computers
#computers #Embedded #hacker #C #Programming
I guess coming back to the original question, "Is all code portable with enough effort?" No, because all code is not portable, but all code can be ported. I would say that portable code is code that is already ready to be moved with minimal effort.
#learning #hackaday #embedded #podcast #listnerquestions #engineering
#engineering #listnerquestions #Podcast #Embedded #hackaday #learning
This week, Chris( @stoneymonster ) and Elecia( @logicalelegance ) chat about their ongoing efforts to create and learn. They also answer some listener questions.
The transcript for episode 457: Rubber Duck Phase Cancellation( ) is out now!
Feel free to read through and share your favourite quotes!
#learning #hackaday #embedded #podcast #listnerquestions #engineering #transcript
#transcript #engineering #listnerquestions #Podcast #Embedded #hackaday #learning
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