@harriorrihar Point is: Nothing that #NSAbook does will ever allow you that flexibility - they are - like all #GAFAM|s - inherently interested in a #ToxicRelationship with maximum pain for leaving [See #EmbraceExtendAndExtinguish ] .
That's why #TechIlliterates haven't made the jump to #Linux ages ago...
That's why people still use shit likg #Google and #Facebook and their Services...
#EmbraceExtendAndExtinguish #Facebook #Google #Linux #TechIlliterates #toxicrelationship #gafam #NSAbook
@nasser I've to agree espechally in the context of #GAFAMs like #NSAbook that are capable of flexing #EmbraceExtendAndExtinguish if not completely wreck havoc against said comminities.
And in regards to #RedHat being absolute assholes like #grsecurity, there should be stronger #Copyleft licenses banning any #paywalling of #SourceCode #access...
#access #sourcecode #paywalling #Copyleft #grsecurity #redhat #EmbraceExtendAndExtinguish #NSAbook #gafams
@shlee That is another aspect I thought was so selfevidential that it doesn't need explanation to any admin.
#Treads will basically act as a #DDoS attack inadvertedly, and that'll kill the :fediverse: ...
They don't need to #EmbraceExtendAndExtinguish :activitypub: itself, but merely sleehammer traffic against servers...
You may know this as #SlashdotEffect, but ulike the ölatter one, this will be a flood...
#slashdoteffect #EmbraceExtendAndExtinguish #DDoS #treads
@mousebot *nodds in agreement*
#Snitches like the #GAFAMs amd espechally #NSAbook are hostile to the :fediverse: as they wil attempt #EmbraceExtendAndExtinguish as soon as they can.
They are as bad as literal #Stasi agents as they are paid #PRISM informants and also known to advance #Cyberfacism and #SurveillanceCapitalism for.thwir own gain...
After all they not only can but will and alteady haved snitched on #queer people like #KSA where people get KOS'd for "living while trans" by Cops!
#ksa #Queer #SurveillanceCapitalism #cyberfacism #prism #stasi #EmbraceExtendAndExtinguish #NSAbook #gafams #snitches
@aral *nodds in agreement*
#NSAbook will do what all #GAFAMs do:
#EmbraceExtendAndExtinguish #gafams #NSAbook
@Elizafox why?
It would make sense for them to #EmbraceExtendAndExtinguish and thus kill the :fediverse: as it's major threat to it's #SurveillanceCapitalism - based business...
After all #NSAbook doesn't snitch on it's users for free... They demand money for that...
#NSAbook #SurveillanceCapitalism #EmbraceExtendAndExtinguish
@revolt3d @stux yeah but it's a difference if you support #Cops & #Snitches that'll rat out their users or if you consider such hostile actors as what they are: attempts of #EEE / #EmbraceExtendAndExtinguish!
#EmbraceExtendAndExtinguish #eee #snitches #cops