Embracer Group starebbe considerando di vendere Gearbox Entertainment: report di Reuters
#EmbracerGroup #Gearbox #rumor
Embracer Group ha licenziato alcuni dipendenti di Gearbox Publishing
#EmbracerGroup #gearboxpublishing
30 years after Descent, developer Volition is suddenly no more - Enlarge / Poor critical and commercial reception for the latest Saints ... - https://arstechnica.com/?p=1964856 #embracergroup #saintsrow #descent #gaming
#gaming #descent #saintsrow #EmbracerGroup
Embracer Group, l'accordo saltato da 2 miliardi di dollari sarebbe stato con una compagnia finanziata dall'Arabia Saudita
Embracer Group inizia a chiudere studi: addio a Campfire Cabal
Erst im letzten Monat machte die #EmbracerGroup damit Schlagzeilen, Crystal Dynamics und etliche #SquareEnix-Marken – darunter Tomb Raider – eingekauft zu haben. Jetzt will man "schlanker" werden und kündigt Umstrukturierungen mit Folgen an. https://jpgames.de/2023/06/nach-square-enix-deal-embracer-group-will-schlanker-werden-kuendigt-umstrukturierung-an/
Developers/Publishers must be like:
"Oh, it's cool to be part of the Embracer Group!"
*The $2 billion contract deal collapses, studio closures are announced*
"Oh, those are scary times now!"
#gaming #games #videogames #embracergroup #publisher #developer
#gaming #games #videogames #EmbracerGroup #publisher #developer
#EmbracerGroup Is Taking Fewer Risks After Saints Row Flop https://www.thegamer.com/saints-row-flop-embracer-group-sequel-future-games/
#EmbracerGroup plans to release 94 games in upcoming years https://venturebeat.com/games/embracer-group-plans-to-release-94-games-in-upcoming-years/ @venturebeat
Deep Rock Galactic devs launch publishing division Ghost Ship Publishing - https://www.rockpapershotgun.com/deep-rock-galactic-devs-launch-publishing-division-ghost-ship-publishing #DeepRockGalactic #ScienceFiction #GhostShipGames #EmbracerGroup #Shooter #Social
#social #shooter #EmbracerGroup #ghostshipgames #sciencefiction #DeepRockGalactic
5 ігор за «Володарем перснів» до 31 березня 2024 року та 19 ігор класу AAA до 31 березня 2026 року – плани Embracer Group на найближчі роки https://itc.ua/ua/novini/5-igor-za-volodarem-persniv-do-31-bereznya-2024-roku-ta-19-igor-klasu-aaa-do-31-bereznya-2026-roku-plany-embracer-group-na-najblyzhchi-roky/ #Володарперснів #EmbracerGroup #Новини #Софт #Ігри
#володарперснів #EmbracerGroup #новини #софт #ігри
Hendrik Vanheiden
Gerade jetzt in Gaming-Aktien investieren?! 3 spannende Ideen
#börse #finanzen #aktien #gaming #embracergroup #unitysoftware
#borse #finanzen #aktien #gaming #EmbracerGroup #unitysoftware
Phoebe "Fleabag" Waller-Bridge is writing a Tomb Raider TV show for Amazon - https://www.rockpapershotgun.com/phoebe-fleabag-waller-bridge-is-writing-a-tomb-raider-tv-show-for-amazon #ShadowoftheTombRaider #Shooter:ThirdPerson #ActionAdventure #CrystalDynamics #EmbracerGroup #Blockbuster #TombRaider #Amazon #TV
#tv #amazon #tombraider #blockbuster #EmbracerGroup #crystaldynamics #ActionAdventure #shooter #shadowofthetombraider
Marvel's Avengers will receive no new content and its final patch arrives in March - https://www.rockpapershotgun.com/marvels-avengers-will-receive-no-new-content-and-its-final-patch-arrives-in-march #Marvel'sAvengers #CrystalDynamics #ActionAdventure #EmbracerGroup #Blockbuster #SquareEnix #Marvel
#squareenix #blockbuster #EmbracerGroup #ActionAdventure #crystaldynamics #marvel
Amazon Games branches out, announces it will publish the next Tomb Raider - Enlarge / A screenshot from the most recent main-series Tomb Raider tit... - https://arstechnica.com/?p=1904944 #crystaldynamics #gaming&culture #embracergroup #amazongames #squareenix #tombraider #amazon #tech
#tech #amazon #tombraider #squareenix #amazongames #EmbracerGroup #gaming #crystaldynamics
The next Tomb Raider will be published by Amazon Games - https://www.rockpapershotgun.com/the-next-tomb-raider-will-be-published-by-amazon-games #ShadowoftheTombRaider #RiseoftheTombRaider #CrystalDynamics #ActionAdventure #EmbracerGroup #Blockbuster #AmazonGames #TombRaider
#tombraider #AmazonGames #blockbuster #EmbracerGroup #ActionAdventure #crystaldynamics #RiseoftheTombRaider #shadowofthetombraider
Crystal Dynamics remove Avengers design lead as spokesperson after offensive tweets emerge - https://www.rockpapershotgun.com/crystal-dynamics-remove-avengers-design-lead-as-spokesperson-after-offensive-tweets-emerge #Marvel'sAvengers #ActionAdventure #CrystalDynamics #ScienceFiction #EmbracerGroup #SquareEnix #Business #Marvel
#business #squareenix #EmbracerGroup #sciencefiction #crystaldynamics #ActionAdventure #marvel
Risk Of Rain is now owned by Gearbox, but its developers remain independent - https://www.rockpapershotgun.com/risk-of-rain-is-now-owned-by-gearbox-but-its-developers-remain-independent #GearboxPublishing #EmbracerGroup #RiskofRain2 #RiskofRain #HopooGames #Roguelike #Shooter
#shooter #roguelike #hopoogames #riskofrain #RiskofRain2 #EmbracerGroup #gearboxpublishing
Volition will "become part of Gearbox" after critical reception to Saints Row - https://www.rockpapershotgun.com/volition-will-become-part-of-gearbox-after-critical-reception-to-saints-row #GearboxPublishing #ActionAdventure #SaintsRow(2022) #EmbracerGroup #Blockbuster #OpenWorld #Volition
#volition #openworld #blockbuster #EmbracerGroup #saintsrow #ActionAdventure #gearboxpublishing
Statement from Phil Rogers of Embracer Group about "exploring opportunities" to remaster classic games.
Tbh when it comes to Crystal Dynamics showing sincere love and respect for Tomb Raider's roots... Let's just say I'll believe it when I see it.
#TombRaider #LaraCroft #gaming #RemasterTheClassics #EmbracerGroup #CrystalDynamics
#tombraider #laracroft #gaming #remastertheclassics #EmbracerGroup #CrystalDynamics