🧵 4/4: the slow federal #emergencyresponse, compounded by the loss of the cultural symbolism of #Lahaina is re-traumatising the #Hawaiian population & adding to the #colonial history. But maybe that's exactly where the silver lining is: as a local said "the #fire could be both the worst natural disaster of our lifetime and also the greatest opportunity of our lifetime.” https://www.washingtonpost.com/nation/2023/08/12/maui-fire-death-toll-lahaina-hawaii-damage/
#EmergencyResponse #lahaina #hawaiian #colonial #fire
How are we going to organise responses in the climate emergency - calls for volunteers and supplies, news of safe and unsafe routes, updates on loved ones?
Though what communication channels?
The tour operators, by the way, seem to have abandoned customers to their fate.
We need emergency response built into everything now. Communications, shelter, supplies in place, residents and travelers to know where they can be found.
#climateemergency #EmergencyResponse #planning
Did you know that social media can help people right after a #NaturalDisaster?
Here's how our researchers use it to get real-time information and help the European Commission to properly respond to the crisis.
#earthquake #wildfire #EmergencyResponse https://t.co/iuEYzHfHmy
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/EU_ScienceHub/status/1682299377551802371
#NaturalDisaster #earthquake #wildfire #EmergencyResponse
🌍🆘 Γνωρίζετε το Κέντρο Συντονισμού Αντιμετώπισης Εκτάκτων Αναγκών (ΚΣΑΕΑ); Είναι ο Μηχανισμός Πολιτικής Προστασίας της ΕΕ για την ταχεία αντιμετώπιση καταστροφών και την παγκόσμια συνεργασία. Μάθετε περισσότερα: https://europa.eu/!GXR3Cq #EmergencyResponse #EU https://t.co/o314CRp5fN
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/EEAthina/status/1677294037307654145
Are you prepared for an oil spill? This short video outlines three simple steps to take. https://youtube.com/shorts/96kwHfwbaiE #oil #spill #environmental #EmergencyResponse
#oil #spill #environmental #EmergencyResponse
"#Firefighter #Psychology in Dealing With #Crisis: A #Norway-#UK collaboration"
#EmergencyManagement #EmergencyResponse #DRR #DisasterRiskReduction
#firefighter #psychology #crisis #norway #uk #emergencymanagement #EmergencyResponse #DRR #DisasterRiskReduction
RT @wfp_mozambique: 🗺️Thanks to #EU’s Earth observation programme @CopernicusEMS, @WFP can better analyze the impact of the #Floods🌊 in #Mozambique and support the Govt🇲🇿 via #INGD on designing proper #EmergencyResponse operations.
@EUinMoz @WMO @UNDRR_Africa @WFP_Africa @WFP_Media
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/CopernicusEU/status/1629134688794161155
#EU #floods #Mozambique #INGD #EmergencyResponse
The countries reported highest training needs in #PublicHealth emergency #preparedness, #surveillance, and #EmergencyResponse. They also indicated that training organised by ECDC is considered as being of added value for all the domains.
#publichealth #Preparedness #surveillance #EmergencyResponse