RT @sfiscience@twitter.com
Next up, @JessicaLeeGreen@twitter.com (@phylagen@twitter.com):
"I'm going to share my journey as a microbial scientist, some of the problems we're facing today, and the promise of #EmergentEngineering...which [in agreement with @mlaubic@twitter.com, I see as] meaningful, sustainable, and just."
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/sfiscience/status/1588938048720752641
RT @sfiscience@twitter.com
"The 21st Century Question: Emergently Engineering the Future"
Follow this 🧵 today and tomorrow for highlights from our 2022 #AppliedComplexity Network and Board of Trustees Symposium:
#Web3 #Cities #Polarization #EmergentEngineering #Decentralization
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/sfiscience/status/1588609760366309378
#appliedcomplexity #web3 #cities #polarization #EmergentEngineering #decentralization
RT @sfiscience@twitter.com
"Causality is complex...you use adaptation to your advantage, not just try to get rid of it. #EmergentEngineering [makes] a MINIMAL mechanism that coordinates with MAXIMAL adaptive systems...it's a collaboration between classical engineering and [#ComplexityScience."
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/sfiscience/status/1588612408456904704
#EmergentEngineering #ComplexityScience
RT @sfiscience@twitter.com
🧵 Today we kick off our 2021 Board of Trustees Symposium on #EmergentEngineering — recordings of the event are private, but we'll share select slides and pull quotes.
Our first talk is by SFI President David Krakauer, who compares natural selection to a centrifugal governor:
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/sfiscience/status/1456625736568094730
"I think if you ask who did best through the #pandemic last year, the answer would be #Taiwan — who used the crisis as an opportunity to build up tech infrastructure to improve the #antifragility of their governance and emergency response."
- Niall Ferguson at the Santa Fe Institute’s #EmergentEngineering Symposium
#pandemic #taiwan #antifragility #EmergentEngineering
"The bureaucratic control mechanisms of the 20th Century turn out to be a disaster multiplier...the US #bureaucracy of today is a bewildering pyramidal structures that I suspect would appall the Founding Fathers if they could see it."
- Niall Ferguson at the Santa Fe Institute’s #EmergentEngineering Symposium
#bureaucracy #EmergentEngineering
"The idea that manmade and natural disasters are the same is brilliantly presented in this cartoon in the North Carolina Health Bulletin in 1919...if it's death tolls you're interested in, there's a lot to be said for this point."
- Niall Ferguson at the Santa Fe Institute’s #EmergentEngineering Symposium
"Most of what we call #history is the close study of tail events that *really* are interesting because of the scale of mortality, the spectacular nature of the failure, the nature that disasters are not evenly distributed."
- Niall Ferguson at the Santa Fe Institute’s #EmergentEngineering Symposium