Because s1 took so long to get up to speed, i often forget that this show is just as soothing and cozy and feel good for me as #EmilyinParis
Also of course all of the French dialogue in #emilyinparis is rendered accessible to folks like me with a grasp as firm as Emily's on the language, which I appreciate but also hate 😅
The #emilyinparis fantasy is: imagine being young and rich and popular and fashionable and opportunities just drop into your lap and you can fail at anything without consequence. The only drama you ever experience is which hot lover to choose, which great job to say yes to, which exceptional location you want to travel to, without expense.
I think #emilyinparis really captures a feeling I had in my early 20s. Like, the whole world is open but making choices means closing doors, and who are you as a person, anyway? You're stumbling around trying to be an adult but unsure what that means and terrified to make a long term decision. For good reason, turns out.
After #EmilyinParis ends - I’d love Netflix to make a French show that continues the story of the agency, but more realistic, focussing on work-life and creativity.
I thought they were doing a great job at including French in the show, and then they don't put a space before a question mark‽
#EmilyinParis #netflix #french #langtoot
LVMH qui fait du placement de produit à gogo dans #EmilyInParis pour que la série cale une accusation semi-explicite (de harcèlement ? agression ? autre chose ?) contre Bernard Arnault dans la saison 3, j'avoue que je m'y attendais pas 🧐
Binged #EmilyinParis and it is as silly as usual but I still loved it. It lights up my boring little world
Heute neu: Staffel 3 von Emily in Paris bei Netflix #EmilyInParis #HeuteNeu #PlayByDay
#PlayByDay #HeuteNeu #EmilyinParis
Netflix: Neue Serien und Filme im Dezember 2022 #NeuBeiNetflix #TheWitcher #KnivesOutGlassOnion #Pinocchio #AliceInBorderland #EmilyInParis
#EmilyinParis #aliceinborderland #pinocchio #knivesoutglassonion #thewitcher #NeuBeiNetflix