Danny Boling 🌈 ☮️ · @IAmDannyBoling
283 followers · 4417 posts · Server mstdn.social

" convey reality in a way that words cannot. One of these days, the of in a may make the same decision Mamie did of her son in 1955."

Yes, it'd be awful. But it'd also get people's attention, like "pro-lifers" did when they started holding up graphic pictures of at their demonstrations.

It Is Time to Show the American People Photographs of Children by

#iamdb #gunviolence #massacred #fetuses #aborted #Emmett #Till #schoolshooting #murdered #children #parents #pictures

Last updated 2 years ago

Ali Mauritius Stein · @amoni
142 followers · 1067 posts · Server social.cologne

My Sunday newspaper review led me back to the Till story, which I first learned about with the so-called Emmett Till Anti- Act of 2022. The law is named after the black teenager who was lynched by white supremacists in Mississippi in 1955.


#Emmett #lynching

Last updated 2 years ago

Parliamo di news! · @parliamodinews
16 followers · 87685 posts · Server masthead.social