With the recent influx of birdsite users as of late I can't help but think of this little ditty from back in my Teenagehood. Think we can all feel the same way for how this song says it. ^^ #ModernBaseball #PopPunk #EmoRevival #Emo https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=YKtB6PQBD9g
#emo #EmoRevival #poppunk #ModernBaseball
With the recent influx of birdsite users as of late I can't help but think of this little ditty from back in my Teenagehood. Think we can all feel the same way for how this song says it. ^^ #ModernBaseball #PopPunk #EmoRevival #Emo https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=vd02GE2E-24
#emo #EmoRevival #poppunk #ModernBaseball