An #introduction:
I'm Rebecca Parker, a #CancerBiology #PhDStudent at #Emory. My dissertation project focuses on perturbations in #CircadianRhythm signaling in KRAS/LKB1-mutant #LungCancer. Before my #PhD, I worked as a tech at Emory and at #VCU, mostly doing preclinical research in #leukemia and #lymphoma models. In undergrad at #Tulane and in an #REU I tried my hand at #ecology research.
I recently started helping with our unionization effort #EmoryUnite.
I also take pictures of my #cat.
#cat #EmoryUnite #ecology #REU #tulane #lymphoma #leukemia #vcu #phd #lungcancer #circadianrhythm #Emory #PhDstudent #cancerbiology #introduction