This #FathersDay2023 movie was the best (IMOP) of the new trilogy, #ForceAwakens . It did something #StarWars & #EmpireStrikesBack couldn’t… it had my daughter on the edge of her seat and saying how much she liked #StarWars!
#fathersday2023 #forceawakens #starwars #EmpireStrikesBack
Rewatching #EmpireStrikesBack tonight, and holy crap is that a brilliantly made movie. Most film series would break it up into two or even three separate films, but tight story telling and what must have been ruthless editing packs a ton of story into two hours. Of course great performances, a soundtrack to end all soundtracks, and the best special effects of its day don’t hurt either.
#EmpireStrikesBack #starwars #skywalker #HanSolo #DarthVader
Oh my god, #EmpireStrikesBack is killing it in the poll.. I knew that was the fan favorite but I honestly wasn’t expecting it to be this much of a landslide lol. (I’ll post my favorite #StarWars movie once the poll ends)
Oh my god, #EmpireStrikesBack is killing it in the poll.. I knew that was the fan favorite but I honestly wasn’t expecting it to be this much of a landslide lol. (I’ll post my favorite #StarWars movie once the poll ends)
Uhh trying this poll feature out. What’s the best original Star Wars movie?
#StarWars #ANewHope #EmpireStrikesBack #ReturnoftheJedi #PrequelTrilogy #SequelTrilogy #LukeSkywalker #HanSolo #PrincessLeia #DarthVader
#starwars #anewhope #EmpireStrikesBack #returnofthejedi #prequeltrilogy #sequeltrilogy #lukeskywalker #HanSolo #princessleia #darthvader
Uhh trying this poll feature out. What’s the best original Star Wars movie?
#StarWars #ANewHope #EmpireStrikesBack #ReturnoftheJedi #PrequelTrilogy #SequelTrilogy #LukeSkywalker #HanSolo #PrincessLeia #DarthVader
#starwars #anewhope #EmpireStrikesBack #returnofthejedi #prequeltrilogy #sequeltrilogy #lukeskywalker #HanSolo #princessleia #darthvader
#StarWars - #TheEmpireStrikesBack (1980) All #SpaceScenes
#EmpireStrikesBack #SpaceScenesOnly #Excerpts #Empire #Navy #RebelFleet #Rebels
#rebels #rebelfleet #navy #empire #excerpts #spacescenesonly #EmpireStrikesBack #spacescenes #TheEmpireStrikesBack #starwars
#Dune (either of them :) )
#theshawshankredemption #EmpireStrikesBack #dune #wallstreet #starshiptroopers #thefifthelement #vforvendetta #7filmstoknowme
#StarWars #EmpireStrikesBack : Modern Trailer ( #Kenobi Style) (2022)
#TheEmpireStrikesBack #kenobi #EmpireStrikesBack #starwars