[unrelated event] Coalition on Inclusive Economic Growth Webinar: Investing in America's #Workers - Opportunities to Advance #EmployeeOwnership
sept 7 on zoom - https://us02web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_csilRvOzSSSq0HZDszN2xw#/registration
Here’s the thing about the #ESOP: you don’t automatically get a vote commensurate with your share ownership. That’s a bad thing. That means it can be just a *huge tax dodge* dressed up in #EmployeeOwnership clothing. I *know* that is not the reality for most ESOPs, they choose to give EOs a vote+cash divid. but it’s not guaranteed. I think we need a bicameral form of #employeeownership w/ 1man1vote & a mgmt level track. It’d make more $ than a #coop and be more fair than the current ESOP
#esop #EmployeeOwnership #coop
@rbreich Hey, how about promoting all the great things going on in #EmployeeOwnership? So many people follow you & that's actually a solution to monop control that delivers #EconomicJustice w/in #capitalism. u like to foment hatred of capitalism conflating all w monop. it might help if educators like yourself helped *educate the public* that there's a difference between monopoly extremes that need control & a positive goal progressives can get behind - like a 50% citizen-owned economy by 2050!
#EmployeeOwnership #economicjustice #capitalism
@teemo @Shou @AldoBillingslea We should do more to privilege #EmployeeOwnership at every level of the govt because they are of greater value to the economy and they cost more to get right. They are of and by the people - the most efficient vehicle of getting wealth to the people. I honestly think this should be a #bipartisan solution and could recapture the #SmallBiz and fiscally conservative vote bc it makes so damn much economic sense.
#EmployeeOwnership #BiPartisan #smallbiz
@teemo my whole point about #EmployeeOwnership is to keep that money and control in the workers hands and in the community. And believe me if shit hits the fan environmentally we want local control of as many resources as we can. Then we have a fighting chance and we will be able to afford to make the innovations and infrastructure changes needed. This was always the idea behind Adam Smith’s #capitalism as well as the American constitution w it’s focus on the primacy of local political control.
#EmployeeOwnership #capitalism
This article is correct. I constantly run across this and the also-wrong view that all #capitalism is exploitation. Maybe we need a new word. #microcapitalism ? to convey how a marketplace of small players - like here at #Mastodon !!! - can give us more choice and a freer econ. we need agressive #smallmarket econ policy focused on #employeeownership so #smallbiz #coop and #esop can *take over* the market. https://www.city-journal.org/economic-growth-is-still-our-best-hope#.Y4mOwoi4Dao.link
#capitalism #microcapitalism #mastodon #smallmarket #EmployeeOwnership #smallbiz #coop #esop
This mistaken perspective that #EffectiveAltruism holds w re to #EconomicJustice - that the people cannot handle more money - would be completely undermined if the left focused on incentivizing #SmallBiz development, #coop, #esop, any form of #EmployeeOwnership Our #TaxPolicy should drive equity to the people and teach them to take control of the market. Not constantly beg for it at the union table or beneath the philanthropist’s https://t.co/yuKA3ggt1N
#effectivealtruism #economicjustice #smallbiz #coop #esop #EmployeeOwnership #taxpolicy
@woogie @tchambers @Gargron @atomicpoet @leolaporte @elipariser @profcarroll @mattcropp I’ve been delighted to discover that #Mastodon exemplifies what’s best abt the #capitalist model - #SmallBiz and #EmployeeOwnership in a #democracy It’s not wrong to produce value. It’s creative - like the gardener, you create jobs.
#mastodon #capitalist #smallbiz #EmployeeOwnership #democracy
Really inspiring discussion on #EmployeeOwnership as an alternative to investor-owned companies (and all of the problems they've brought us) with three guys who've dedicated unreal amounts of time and energy to creating more #ESOPs and #WorkerCoops.
#EmployeeOwnership #ESOPs #WorkerCoops
The reason magats are calling us fascists is they fear the centralization that we shouldn't want either.
We can lead with a new #Progressive #American Dream, clearly defining that the optimal market under our watch would prioritize #WorkerOwned biz & aggressively incentivize large multi-state corps to #EmployeeOwnership.
Incentivize means giving tax breaks to #SmBiz and #EO biz and penalizing those that don't spread the equity around.
Give workers a paycheck and a profit check
#progressive #american #workerowned #EmployeeOwnership #smbiz #eo