RT @BusinessEurope: DG Beyrer on 🇪🇺 #EconomicMigration:
➡️Key to help address labour & skills shortages
➡️Should be combined with policies to increase labour market participation of working age people
➡️Labour market tests should be easy to manage and fair for domestic workforce
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/employers_EESC/status/1589642134012862471
#EconomicMigration #Employers4Reforms
#Migration is nothing to be afraid of. It's sometimes challenging, but we can manage it together, when we cooperate.
👏Let's roll up our sleeves, because we need migration!
@YlvaJohansson #Employers4Reforms
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/employers_EESC/status/1589637945388306433
✋We are continuing with the discussion
Find comments from our participants below🔽
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/employers_EESC/status/1589634833013055488
We need an ambitious response against #deindustrialisation in Europe. Prices are problematic and there is the fear that it leads to job destruction in Europe.
▶️We have to act against this - and #socialdialogue is a good tool.
@LudovicVoet from @etuc_ces
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/employers_EESC/status/1589633913533919232
#deindustrialisation #socialdialogue #Employers4Reforms
For the success of the full #EUTalentPool, a targeted approach to matching on the basis of shortage occupation lists is needed.
▶️It's important that MS regularly update these lists, taking into account info from employers.
Mr Beyrer from @BusinessEurope
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/employers_EESC/status/1589633374326358016
#EUTalentPool #Employers4Reforms
In order to be 🌍#competitive, ⏫productive and 🚀#innovative, and to be able to contribute to the 👥wellbeing of Europe and its citizens, our companies need workforce with the right skills. #EconomicMigration
@StefanoMalliaEU #Employers4Reforms
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/employers_EESC/status/1589628729462259717
#competitive #innovative #EconomicMigration #Employers4Reforms
We need to understand where the #skills shortages on the European level are to attract and prepare people with the right #skills to Europe.
▶️We need cooperation with Employers to understand where there are skills needs.
@YlvaJohansson #Employers4Reforms
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/employers_EESC/status/1589627465663598593
RT @employers_EESC: #Migration is nothing to be afraid of. It's sometimes challenging, but we can manage it together, when we cooperate.
👏Let's roll up our sleeves, because we need migration!
@YlvaJohansson #Employers4Reforms
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/YlvaJohansson/status/1589643092407513088
RT @BusinessEurope: DG Beyrer on 🇪🇺 #EconomicMigration:
➡️Key to help address labour & skills shortages
➡️Should be combined with policies to increase labour market participation of working age people
➡️Labour market tests should be easy to manage and fair for domestic workforce
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/YlvaJohansson/status/1589639667091378177
#EconomicMigration #Employers4Reforms
▶️ There are many challenges to manage and one is that we are actually loosing the global race for talent.
Commissioner @YlvaJohansson opening the high-level panel on EU #EconomicMigration
#Employers4Reforms #skills #labourmarket
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/employers_EESC/status/1589627099085959168
#EconomicMigration #Employers4Reforms #skills #labourmarket
🌍 EU #EconomicMigration policies: responding to #labourmarket and #skills needs
High-level panel
⭐️ @YlvaJohansson, @EUHomeAffairs
⭐️ @StefanoMalliaEU, @employers_EESC
⭐️Markus BEYRER, @BusinessEurope
⭐️ @LudovicVoet, @etuc_ces
#Employers4Reforms https://nitter.eu/i/broadcasts/1kvKpmwNrywGE
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/employers_EESC/status/1589621001272401920
#EconomicMigration #labourmarket #skills #Employers4Reforms
🤝 Welcome to @YlvaJohansson
We are looking forward to discussing with the Commissioner and other high-level speakers at our seminar:
🌍 EU #EconomicMigration policies: responding to #labourmarket and #skills needs
📺 Webstream here
🔴 Starting at 15:00
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/employers_EESC/status/1589612842122346496
#EconomicMigration #labourmarket #skills #Employers4Reforms
Starting TODAY at 15:00
🌍 Panel: EU #EconomicMigration policy: Supporting a more demand-led approach
⭐️@AnitaVella4, @EUHomeAffairs
⭐️@kmchooper, @MigrationPolicy
⭐️Mr Ranieri, @Cedefop
⭐️Mr Ryło, #UrządPracy #Warszawa
⭐️Ms Machado, @HOTREC_EUROPE
RT @employers_EESC: 🔴Tune in on Monday when we discuss:
🌍 EU #EconomicMigration policies: responding to #labourmarket and #skills needs
with Commissio…
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/employers_EESC/status/1589580541820801025
#EconomicMigration #UrządPracy #Warszawa #Employers4Reforms #labourmarket #skills
🔴TODAY at 15:00
🌍 EU #EconomicMigration policies
Follow the high-level panel with
⭐️ @YlvaJohansson, @EUHomeAffairs
⭐️ @StefanoMalliaEU, @employers_EESC
⭐️Markus BEYRER, @BusinessEurope
⭐️ @VisentiniLuca, @etuc_ces
🔊Live webstream here
RT @employers_EESC: 🔴Tune in on Monday when we discuss:
🌍 EU #EconomicMigration policies: responding to #labourmarket and #skills needs
with Commissioner …
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/employers_EESC/status/1589538215354339328
#EconomicMigration #Employers4Reforms #labourmarket #skills
🔴Tune in on Monday when we discuss:
🌍 EU #EconomicMigration policies: responding to #labourmarket and #skills needs
with Commissioner @YlvaJohansson and other high-level speakers
⏰15:00 - 18:15
🔊Live webstream here
🤝Co-organised with @BusinessEurope
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/employers_EESC/status/1588539689287692288
#EconomicMigration #labourmarket #skills #Employers4Reforms
Current #labour and #skills shortages are acting as a bottleneck for economic growth.
How can in-work benefits help to increase employment?
Read in our event summary ▶️ https://europa.eu/!vjqnFx
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/employers_EESC/status/1559847375128125440
#Labour #skills #Employers4Reforms
Follow #Employers4Reforms for tomorrow's webinar on
💼 Increasing #employment through in-work #benefits: way ahead
1⃣ In-work benefits: an effective tool to bring inactive people (back) to labour market
2⃣ In-work benefits: how to make them work?
⏰Starting at 9⃣:3⃣0⃣
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/employers_EESC/status/1544693609102036993
#Employers4Reforms #employment #benefits