Hab mich heute endlich mal getraut, unser #SteamDeck mit #EmuDeck auszustatten. Demnächst werde ich dann mal Roms runterladen und mich daran probieren, Spiele zu emulieren. Ist ja immerhin einer der großen Gründe, warum man das Steam Deck benutzt. Dann will ich das auch unbedingt mal ausprobieren.
#emulation #steam #EmuDeck #SteamDeck
Been playing Silent Hill 3 lately with my brother, on Steam Deck.
It looks amazing at 4k resolution!
Love my Steam Deck so much! 🙀
#SteamDeck #Playstation #game #gamer #gamergirl #gaming #silenthill #silenthill3 #xboxseriesx #PS5 #nintendoswitch #psp #linux #emulation #emudeck #ps2 #emulator
#emulator #ps2 #EmuDeck #emulation #Linux #PSP #NintendoSwitch #PS5 #XboxSeriesX #silenthill3 #silenthill #Gaming #gamergirl #gamer #game #Playstation #SteamDeck
In case you missed it. I made my ROG Ally into an arcade
ROG Ally Emulation Arcade with Emudeck
#Gaming #Emulation #emudeck #ROGALLY #VideoGame #Gaminglife #Arcade #Retrogames #ClassicGaming
#classicgaming #retrogames #arcade #gaminglife #videogame #rogally #EmuDeck #emulation #gaming
@comrad Das Ding hat mein Spielverhalten revolutioniert. Endlich machen Konsolengames wie jump + run o.ä. auf dem PC Sinn. Und für ne entspannte Runde #ElderScrollsOnline geht jetzt auch die Couch und nicht mehr nur der PC im Keller.
Und ich bin so positiv überrascht, wie gut #Proton funktioniert.
Ach ja, und #Emudeck, Retro geht auch.
#EmuDeck #proton #elderscrollsonline
New skin arrived for the #SteamDeck.
Now trying to figure out how to get #EmuDeck going. As a non-PC user this is harder than I thought it would be.
#SteamDeck #EmuDeck #gaming #steam
Finally getting around to some emulating on this thing! #steamdeck #emulation #emudeck
#EmuDeck #emulation #SteamDeck
Steam Deck: EmuDeck PS2 Emulation Full Guide - PCSX2 Emulator: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LI7957GoM3k #linux #linuxgaming #emulation #ps2 #gaming #emudeck #steamrommanager #tutorial
#emulation #ps2 #EmuDeck #gaming #linux #linuxgaming #tutorial #steamrommanager
Man I've been putting off reinstalling emudeck and my Roms on steam deck since I had to RMA, but now that I've done it, I'm reminded why I love the steam deck so much. Having an open platform based on linux is just great. The device is yours to do what you please. Absolutely magic. #SteamDeck #EmuDeck #Emulation #Steam
#steam #emulation #EmuDeck #SteamDeck
So... Installed #Emudeck on my #steamdeck and #manjaro @kde install.
Works like a charm with a few niggles.
I still have no idea how to set the #steamcontroller for #rpcs3 (GoW titles)
And of course - #baloo decided that it's a good idea to index the Emulation dir on the PC tower. It still surprises me how indexing can bring beasts of machines to their knees 😄 It reaaaally likes to peg the machine and cause stutters to the extreme 🙂
Moral of the story - keep an eye on what #baloo is doing 🙂
#EmuDeck #SteamDeck #manjaro #steamcontroller #rpcs3 #baloo
How to fix #Emudeck for #SteamOS 3.4 on #SteamDeck. It's an easy enough fix but cumbersome.
The new update for #SteamOS 3.4 seems to have changed the path of the microSD, thus potentially breaking many third-party tools like #Emudeck. #SteamDeck https://overkill.wtf/valve-released-steamos-3-4-to-the-stable-channel/
Valve just pushed out a new update for the #SteamDeck and it apparently changes the directory of the micro SD card! Here's a post from the #EmuDeck Discord on it:
(sorry for no crop, mastodon doesn't like my phone's edited Screenshots for some reason)
Some of you suggested #EmuDeck (thanks!), so I took a look at that today. It's using Steam Rom Manager (https://steamgriddb.github.io/steam-rom-manager) for this task, but that does not seem to support Amiga titles specifically, from what I can see in the sources.
And #EmuDeck itself uses PUAE under #RetroArch for the #Amiga games, of course.
Ok, everyone is in a Pokemon fever right now so I thought I’d fire up the Game Boy emulator and play some FireRed. 😍
And, as is customary for me for all games, first one got named peanut. 🥰
#pokemon #firered #emudeck #steamdeck #emulation #retrogames
#retrogames #emulation #SteamDeck #EmuDeck #firered #Pokemon
Se avete una #SteamDeck o state pensando di acquistarla, posto qui le mie impressioni del mese scorso:
Un mese dopo, posso confermare sostanzialmente tutto, salvo che ora #Emudeck si è aggiornato e gira pure meglio (anche se c'è qualche problemino qua e la)
purtroppo causa tempo ho giocato quasi solo a Zelda: Breath of Wild, Vampire Survivors, Mario Kart 8 e un po' della remastered del mio amato FFVIII.
#gaming #gametoot #EmuDeck #SteamDeck
Now that I've got Emudeck running I feel empty.
So many ROMs, so many systems, so little time.
Honestly out of all the recent tech I've bought the steam deck continues to be my favorite. A PC/emulator system with a pretty sweet Linux underbelly thrown in, it's brilliant. Valve did a great job keeping it open and hackable and in 2022 that is commendable.
And I can't express how much I adore the steam deck start up animation scene.
Using #SyncThing on my #SteamDeck to transfer a bunch of roms from my desktop. Because all I only feel like playing old games. #EmuDeck is excellent for setting all the emulators and roms up!
#EmuDeck #SteamDeck #syncthing
Avant de faire la MàJ de #EmuDeck (sur #SteamDeck ) soyez sûr de bien backup vos ROMs et vos BIOS, on sais jamais, moi ça m'a supprimé certains jeux..