#NoamChomsky's #DeterringDemocracy showed me #TomNairn with The #EnchantedGlass for the #British #Monarchy. Context:
> .. while the substance of democracy was successfully reduced during the #Reagan era.. the public remained substantially out of control, raising serious problems for the exercise of power.
The #ReaganAdministration faced these problems with a dual strategy... the most elaborate #Agitprop apparatus in #AmericanHistory, its #OfficeOfPublicDiplomacy..
#OfficeOfPublicDiplomacy #americanhistory #agitprop #ReaganAdministration #reagan #monarchy #british #EnchantedGlass #TomNairn #DeterringDemocracy #noamchomsky
> .. #BritishMonarchy.. the persistence of.. #OldRegime.. excerpts from #TomNairn’s The #EnchantedGlass.. offer a republican antidote to Jubilee kitsch and state-sponsored #sycophancy..
> We see two contradictory views.. of #Monarchy.. it is all-important, and of no real importance.. capable of provoking a nation-wide taboo, frothing hysteria and death-threats is also an innocent, prettily-staged ceremonial no serious #British intellect need worry about.
#british #monarchy #sycophancy #EnchantedGlass #TomNairn #OldRegime #BritishMonarchy