Beyoncé’s ‘Renaissance’ Album (2022)
A little over a year later, I’d like to return to the topic of Black nightlife — motivated by the recent release of Beyoncé’s Renaissance album.
This post isn’t meant to be a contrarian diatribe. I know Beyoncé is a talented musician and I admire her artistic accomplishments — especially her live perfor
#Enclaves:ABlackFemmeDreams #albumreview #beyonce #music #nightlife
#Enclaves #albumreview #beyonce #music #nightlife
Notes on Mermaids and Passing As Human
Created half to rise, and half to fall;
Great lord of all things, yet a prey to all;
Sole judge of truth, in endless error hurled:
The glory, jest, and riddle of the world!
— Alexander Pope, “Essay on Man, Epistle II”
There’s much to say about the allegorical poten
#Enclaves:ABlackFemmeDreams #blackliterature #colorism #mermaids #passing #whitepassing
#Enclaves #Blackliterature #colorism #mermaids #passing #whitepassing
Daddy’s Dying: Notes on ‘Beasts of the Southern Wild’
Beasts of the Southern Wild (dir. Benh Zeitlin, 2012) wasn’t originated by Black people, and the play that inspired it — Lucy Alibar’s Juicy and Delicious (2007) — didn’t foresee a main cast of Black people, but this film adaptation
#Enclaves:ABlackFemmeDreams #anthropocene #beastsofthesouthernwild #blackstudies #film #gender #genderstudies
#Enclaves #anthropocene #beastsofthesouthernwild #BlackStudies #film #gender #genderstudies
Worldbuilding in Sade’s Music Videos
Sade (woman and band) is a fantasy artist. I wouldn’t be the person or writer I am today without their music videos, which were among my first lessons in worldbuilding. Every Sade video is a terrarium — a romantic microcosm with its own textu
#Enclaves:ABlackFemmeDreams #blackfeminism #fairytales #fantasy #film #music #speculativefiction #speculativefictionbywomen #visualarts
#Enclaves #blackfeminism #fairytales #fantasy #film #music #speculativefiction #speculativefictionbywomen #visualarts