Das ist als wenn die Politiker bei dir zu Hause in allen Zimmer eine Wanze installieren darf, weil sie sonst nicht weiß, was bei dir zu Hause gesprochen wird. Kann mal bitte jemand den Behörden einen Schlag auf die Stirn verpassen, damit die aufwachen? Wir müssen uns dagegen wehren!
#datenschutz #sicherheit #privatspäre #privatsphare #politik #massenuberwachung #grundrechte #revolution #encryption #StopScanningMe #EncryptionIsNotACrime
#EncryptionIsNotACrime #StopScanningMe #encryption #revolution #grundrechte #massenuberwachung #politik #privatsphare #privatspare #sicherheit #datenschutz
We’ll need to keep a close eye on this in case the government-particularly the Police-try to get access to encrypted services or restrict access to them. I assume that with New Zealand being relatively weak, the government would be unable to take effective unilateral action and would have to rely on supporting other countries’ actions. (Not sure if that’s a better outcome or not.)
Lookup My Public PGP Keys @ https://keyserver.ubuntu.com/
ECC (Curve25519):
#Encrypt #Encryption #EncryptEverything #EncryptionIsNotACrime
#encrypt #encryption #encrypteverything #EncryptionIsNotACrime
#earnitbill (USA analog to #OnlineSafetyBill in UK and #chatcontrol in #EU) has passed the Judiciary Committee and now goes to Senate for vote. A reminder that if both houses pass the vote on it, tools like Tor, ProtonMail or Signal may be banned to use in USA.
#InfoSec #Privacy #EncryptionIsNotACrime #Encryption #USA #EU #chatcontrol #OnlineSafetyBill #earnitbill