
Did you know? has a support line just for Persons with disabilities. It can be very helpful for people that have limitations with written communication.

The is only for persons with disabilities or, help with accessibility accessories. They seem to be working to in this regard. The response time is not too bad either. What's the longest that you've waited on hold.
The number is: (800) 936-5900

constantly seems to be developing innovation, with the in mind. Thier page is user friendly, dividing links by and need. Tools for people with mobility, visual and hearing impairments, are only a small part.

Among the many disability-specific links, are pages to assist those with . and pages, along with some accessories game changers. Limb Difference accessories for Xbox, well... Guess who could be a gamer with EA , again.

Thanks for thinking of, and accommodating our community MS. Other companies that just fire their Accessability Team, could learn from your example.

Microsoft Tech Support Helpline - (800) 936-5900




MS Accessability Home:

I have so many favorites:



#microsoft #helpline #EndAbleism #microsoftaccessibility #disabilitycommunity #accessability #disabilityaccessories #invisibledisabilities #neurodivergence #MentalHealth #disabilitygaming #NHL #GoBolts #disabilityonly #LimbDifference #mobiliy #disabilities #TBI #InvisibleDisabilityRights #pstd #actuallyautistic #tech #DisabilitySolidarity #gamingaccessories #techsupport

Last updated 2 years ago

It is an historical fact that the privileged groups seldom give up their privileges voluntarily. Individuals may see the moral light and voluntarily give up their unjust posture, but, as we are reminded, groups tend to be more immoral than individuals .

We know, through painful experience that! freedom is never voluntarily given by the oppressor, it must be demanded by the oppressed.
-Martin Luther King Jr.

#inspiration #CivilRights #InvisibleDisabilityRights #EndAbleism #endracism #lgbtqrights #WomensRights #StopAsianHate #endbigotry #unityconquers #teardownthewall

Last updated 2 years ago

· @OutOfExile_IDR
38 followers · 57 posts · Server neurodifferent.me

Did you know? has a support line just for Persons with disabilities. It can be very helpful for people that have limitations with written communication.

The is only for persons with disabilities or, help with accessibility accessories. They seem to be working to in this regard. The response time is not too bad either. What's the longest that you've waited on hold.
The number is: (800) 936-5900

constantly seems to be developing innovation, with the in mind. Thier page is user friendly, dividing links by and need. Tools for people with mobility, visual and hearing impairments, are only a small part.

Among the many disability-specific links, are pages to assist those with . and pages, along with some accessories game changers. Limb Difference accessories for Xbox, well... Guess who could be a gamer with EA , again.

Thanks for thinking of, and accommodating our community MS. Other companies that just fire their Accessability Team, could learn from your example.

Microsoft Tech Support Helpline - (800) 936-5900




MS Accessability Home:

#microsoft #helpline #EndAbleism #microsoftaccessibility #disabilitycommunity #accessability #disabilityaccessories #invisibledisabilities #neurodivergence #MentalHealth #disabilitygaming #NHL #GoBolts #disabilityonly #LimbDifference #mobiliy #disabilities #TBI #InvisibleDisabilityRights #pstd #DisabilitySolidarity #NeurodivergentThinking #gamingaccessories #techsupport

Last updated 2 years ago

· @OutOfExile_IDR
238 followers · 416 posts · Server disabled.social
· @OutOfExile_IDR
238 followers · 417 posts · Server disabled.social

Timeless words that will never cease to inspire those who seek truth, equality and justice.

Never, never be afraid to do what's right,  especially if the well-being of a person or animal is at stake.  Society's punishments are small compared to the wounds we inflict on our soul when we look the other way.
Martin Luther King Jr.

#mlk #inspiration #civilrights #InvisibleDisabilityRights #EndAbleism #endracism #lgbtqrights #womensrights #stopasianhate #endbigotry #unityconquers #teardownthewall

Last updated 2 years ago

· @OutOfExile_IDR
209 followers · 316 posts · Server disabled.social

To some DM-ers with empty profiles that seem only interested in nit-picking semantics. I am much to busy persuing "equality for all".
My only response is below.

#unityconquers #solidarity #love4all #EndAbleism #endracism #lgbtqlivesmatter #WomenRights #stopasianhate #endbigotry #BlackLivesMatter #Here4All

Last updated 2 years ago

· @OutOfExile_IDR
209 followers · 315 posts · Server disabled.social

"A man dies when he refuses to stand up for that which is right.  A man dies when he refuses to stand up for justice.  A man dies when he refuses to take a stand for that which is true.". 

 -   Martin Luther King Jr.

A statement that has fueled me in the toughest of times.

#mlk #inspiration #civilrights #BlackLivesMatter #EndAbleism #endracism #stophomophobes #womensrights #stopasianhate #endbigotry #Here4All #love4all #unityconquers

Last updated 2 years ago

· @OutOfExile_IDR
193 followers · 257 posts · Server disabled.social
· @OutOfExile_IDR
179 followers · 216 posts · Server disabled.social
· @OutOfExile_IDR
98 followers · 87 posts · Server disabled.social

Thank you for your response and the edification regarding rules and conduct code. As one with , I'm sure you realize the importance of keeping the conversation about in motion. The post does not seem to be inviting to our community.
Sometimes being an for change, means saying things that may not be received well. Thank you for your gracious acknowledgment that much work is still needed to and afford equality to all with .

#invisibledisabilities #ableism #advocate #EndAbleism #disabilities

Last updated 2 years ago

· @OutOfExile_IDR
98 followers · 87 posts · Server disabled.social

Thank you for your response and the edification regarding rules and conduct code. As one with , I'm sure you realize the importance of keeping the conversation about in motion. The post does not seem to be inviting to our community.
Sometimes being an for change, means saying things that may not be received well. Thank you for your gracious acknowledgment that much work is still needed to and afford equality to all with .

#invisibledisabilities #ableism #advocate #EndAbleism #disabilities

Last updated 2 years ago

· @OutOfExile_IDR
98 followers · 87 posts · Server disabled.social

Thank you for your response and the edification regarding rules and conduct code. As one with , I'm sure you realize the importance of keeping the conversation about in motion. The post does not seem to be inviting to our community.
Sometimes being an for change, means saying things that may not be received well. Thank you for your gracious acknowledgment that much work is still needed to and afford equality to all with .

#disabilities #ableism #invisibledisabilities #advocate #EndAbleism

Last updated 2 years ago

· @OutOfExile_IDR
62 followers · 30 posts · Server disabled.social

Not providing mental health services, unnecessary institutionalization and a "buck" an hour for wages? This is nothing short of exploitation and utterly deplorable.

Missourians with Invisible Disabilities are treated as less than human. THEY ARE NOT!

Show me change in the "show me" state!


#missouri #showme #equality #InvisibleDisabilityRights #disabilityjustice #disability #EndAbleism #AbleistHateCrime #DisabilitySolidarity #disabilitycommunity #disabilityvoice

Last updated 2 years ago

· @OutOfExile_IDR
7 followers · 7 posts · Server disabled.social
· @OutOfExile_IDR
3 followers · 6 posts · Server disabled.social

Legally Induced Limitation?

Taking away rights of people with is a huge step in the wrong direction.

With SCOTUS case "Health and Hospital Corporation of Marion County v. Talevski":
Violating the of people receiving government assistance programs, like Medicaid, would seemingly become legal.

SCOTUS: ...To Hear Case That Could Have Major Consequences For People With Disabilities

#disabilities #civilrights #DisabilitySolidarity #DisabilityLobby #EndAbleism

Last updated 2 years ago

· @OutOfExile_IDR
1 followers · 4 posts · Server disabled.social


Opinion? I strongly agree. The should not have or hidden behind CW. Is this unequal the equivalent of censorship or hiding us in the basement when the neurotypicals visit?

It is a dangerous signal but, it should inspire our community to stand togather; not be driven away.
What's good is worth fighting for.


#disabilitycommunity #DisabilityAwareness #disability #accommodation #DisabilitySolidarity #neurodiversity #InvisibleDisabilityRights #EndAbleism

Last updated 2 years ago

· @OutOfExile_IDR
1 followers · 4 posts · Server disabled.social